mr victor
This lovely young man is a 4 year old Red Siberian called Victor who lives with his litter brother and family in Salford, Manchester.
We were called in to meet up with Victor as his coat had developed mats around his body. The top part of his body (down his back) was pelted. Once the knots start, they can literally come on so quickly and take over. We’ve seen this so many times, with cats that we’ve worked with A large part of the rest of his coat had ad-hoc mats. We decided to clip away the problem areas, and save what was possible.
Once on the grooming table, Victor was extremely anxious. He really wasn’t keen either on the noise of the clippers. However … We began work on his back – removing the pelt that had formed. It was quite extensive and took some clipping …. Victor knew straight away what was going on and with some sweet talk from mum to help proceedings, he calmed somewhat. Throughout the session he spent considerable time ‘helping’ by washing his chest and front paws. As the pelt came away you could almost see the relief on his face (see piccies of the pelt, to the left and below)
As the clipping was quite tough, we decided to break the session into two. This was so we had a fresh start a few days later, to work around the back end and finish off underneath. On the second session, Victor settled much more quickly – again ‘helping’ out !
He can now reach some areas that he hasn’t seen for some time and he’s feeling much lighter and fresher ! If you come over to our facebook page, you can see a short video clip of Victor on the grooming table, and post session.
Afterwards, mum Anna said :
“Just wanted to say thanks again for giving Victor a much-needed haircut ! He already seems so much happier, and as you can see, he and Clyde are back to being the best of friends…no more hissing ! No doubt Victor was one of your more ‘challenging’ customers, but you were so calm and patient with him and managed to do an absolutely fantastic job ! I really appreciate it, and I’m sure that Victor secretly does too and will greet you with purring next time rather than channeling his inner Houdini ! Thanks again 🙂 xx“
Well done Victor … You were very brave and we are all really proud of you !!