gorgeous moody
We called in to see one of our regular customers in Prescot, Merseyside, and got a real warm welcome. Lots of purring and head buts !
Moody is the most placid, friendly girl you can imagine. She is 14 years old, and is a Burmese.
Moody has a short, lush coat, and lets mum comb her regularly. Our job is to keep on top of her nails, and she has a trim every few weeks.
Fit, healthy cats that spend a lot of time outside generally naturally wear down their claws sufficiently.
However, indoor or elderly cats may need to have their claws trimmed regularly. Also, some cats have an extra toe (polydactyl) which doesn’t touch the ground (just like the normal dew claw) and may overgrow. If overgrown claws aren’t trimmed they can grow inwards into the pad and can be painful, and become infected.
Moody is well used to the sessions now and afterwards was full of herself, wanting attention and fussing !
See you again soon Moody …