mr guy
Come and meet Guy ! Guy is a brown tabby Maine Coon from Chester, Cheshire.
At around 13 years old, Guy needed some help with his coat. Sections had developed lumps and bumps, whilst the rest was extremely thick and would have been too difficult to comb out.
The only apprehension really around the Session, was how Guy was going to react to the clippers. He’s a very nervous boy and terrified of noises.
However, there was no need to worry as Guy settled into his session like a dream. First we clipped away the most offending pelt on his chest, and he went along with the idea no prob. As we progressed, he became a little fidgety, but no trouble – and certainly not scared.
We took most of Guy’s torso coat away for a fresh start. He was evidently feeling good about himself straight after the session as he kept having a little wash of his paws etc.
The day following the session, mum Laura fed back
“…. he was quite social yesterday actually and didn’t hide away or anything so I think he felt better in himself .. “
Really pleased you’re feeling comfy, Guy. Nice Session chick !