Archive for July, 2017
chilled charlie
It really is amazing how Sessions have changed for Charlie in Wigan, Greater Manchester.
The first time we met up, Charlie found her Session extremely difficult and was quite upset about the whole affair. She wasn’t afraid to use her claws or teeth to reinforce this.
As time has gone on, 14 year old Charlie has mellowed. No doubt she’s feeling better about herself as her coat is now under control, but she’s also learnt that actually a bit of fuss is quite nice ! She really does enjoy parts of the Session – relaxed and closing her eyes, going with the flow.
So well done, Charlie !
the birman sisters
Here’s Birman sisters Daisy and Lily from Preston, Lancashire. Who remembers these girls ?
They recently enjoyed their latest manicure/pedicure sessions. A tad fidgety, but nice sessions as they are such sweet girls.
so gentle
Here’s Persian Horatio in Liverpool.
His last Session was a Full Clip – so today 12 weeks on – his coat was only half regrown in length.
Today, we took away Horatio’s tummy hair (ie. a Belly Clip) for ease of maintenance, and had a good brush out on top. Even though only half grown in length, the undercoat still needed removing to help prevent mats forming going forward.
A real gentle Session. Well done Horatio !
manicures all round
These 2 girls – Pandorra and Mollie – from Bolton, Greater Manchester have regular manicures to keep on top of their nails.
Both good as gold. Gentle, friendly – and inquisitive !
Nice seeing you again girls !
how old ?
Wowwww ! Oliver ! Looking great, chick !
Who remembers Oliver from Southport, Lancashire ?
Oliver – 25 years old !!!! – feeding his tum after his latest Brush Out.
young yas
Young Persian Yasmine really does suit her Full Clip in Oldham, Greater Manchester.
Neat bod, Yasmine !
fluffy harvey
Harvey in Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire nevers looks forward to his regular Session – but oh, he feels ever so great afterwards !
lovely suri
Persian Suri – sporting her latest Full Clip in Oldham, Greater Manchester.
Looking great, Suri !
happy holly
Holly from Padiham, Lancashire. Who remembers Holly ?
A nice – vocal (meow meow meow !) – brush out. Very interesting, Holly !
gentle mj
We called in again to see 10 year old MJ in Atherton, Greater Manchester as she was due her routine manicure.
Although MJ only has a short coat, dad reported that she isn’t grooming herself very much – and this was evident as her coat was beginning to clump in places.
We’re going to turn her manicures into brush outs going forward. We want to catch MJ’s coat before it reaches the point when clipping is necessary.
Here’s the little lady !