Archive for July, 2017
friendly abu
Our Persian friend Abu benefitted from a Belly Clip and Brush Out today on the Wirral.
Good as gold. No fuss. What a good boy, Abu !
dinky doo
Eleven year old Dinky from Bolton, Greater Manchester always feels like a kitten again when she is ridded of her Persian coat.
Here she is – Before and After her Session.
Kiko and Lowkey
A manicure/pedicure session was on the cards for these 2 chicks in St Helens, Merseyside recently.
Today is the first time we managed a piccie of Kiko. It was noted that she was muccccchhhh braver today. Here she is, even though not looking at the camera.
Her brother Lowkey was his usual friendly, more confident self. (Almost) twins to look at !
gentle starlord
Persian Starlord from Chester, Cheshire always has to top up his tum after his maintenance Sessions.
Who’d have known that Star Lord is sporting a Belly Clip under there ?
friendly gizmo
Today’s nail clipping Session with 13 year old Gizmo in Bolton, Greater Manchester went without fuss.
Previously, Gizmo has been to the vets under sedation for this procedure – but more recently, we’ve tried home visits and these have worked well for her.
Nice seeing you again, Gizmo !
simbas short coat
We called in on Simba in Didsbury, Manchester recently for his maintenance Clip.
Simba had a new little friend who had joined his household. Little friend is now Simba’s soul mate, and she was very interested in his new haircut …!
mrs molly
Persian Molly – Looking pretty pleased with herself after her latest Belly Clip and Brushout in Widnes, Cheshire.
The piccie on the right is just before the Session began.
big boy ted
A lot of excess hair came away from Ted’s coat when we met up recently in Darwen, Lancashire.
As a Maine Coon, Ted has a long, rugged coat. Not too much undercoat, but once it starts to get to thick, it pelts quickly.
Not too many problem areas today, but great to rid him of that hair to help prevent future matting.
miss misty
Maine Coon Misty in Oldham, Greater Manchester – looking rather sleek after her latest Session.
20 years young
We’ve increased the regularity of 20 year old Buffy’s Sessions in Liverpool, as she’s just not tending to her coat at all these days and it’s quickly becoming clumpy.
Nice seeing you again, Buffy.