Archive for July, 2016
theodore from persia
Our friend Theo was ready for his maintenance clip, recently.
Many of you will remember Theo (or Theodore, to give him his full title). He’s now 4 years old and lives with his family in Carnforth, Lancashire.
Theo is a Persian who has the most thick, cotton wool-y coat going. It is difficult to comb and keep on top of. Therefore, Theo isn’t that keen on the idea of a brush out. To make everyone’s life easier and to prevent matting, Theo enjoys a regular clip.
Sessions are getting easier for Theo, although he still does get panicky moments. The last couple of sessions, rather than a Lion Cip, Theo enjoyed a short back and sides to show off his good looks, and to keep his bib free from tangles.
how smart
Ragdoll/Persian cross Alice in Stockport, Cheshire enjoyed her first Lion Clip recently.
We met up with Alice a couple of times before to work through her coat. It has lots of undercoat, as she is part Persian, and mats easily.
Today, we took her coat away for a fresh start, and Alice was a little star !
Later, mum Maria said
“Alice seems a lot more comfortable now with her new hair cut, even a little faster now she doesn’t have all that hair weighing her down ! Tazzle [Alice’s housemate] seems seems very interested in her … I think he thinks she’s his new girlfriend ! LOL.”
an exotic guy
Exotic Luigi was due his regular brush out again recently.
Luigi, from Windermere, Cumbria has an enormously dense coat and even though we see him regularly, he is always ready for his session.
Originally very timid during his groom, Luigi now manages to snooze his way through most of it !
a spicy guy
A new guy to join our club : Pepper from Middleton, Greater Manchester !
As a 5 year old Ragdoll, Pepper is quite a large guy. Both he and his mum are well on top of his big coat. Just a couple of small tangles were removed, and not a lot came away in his brush out.
However, his ruff was far too large and it causes him difficultly with eating and washing, so we thinned that out for a summer look.
A little fidgety, but good as gold !
a free spirit
We called in on Himalayan Persian Spirit once again in Stockport, Cheshire.
Enormous – That’s the word to describe Spirit’s natural coat. He was definitely ready for his maintenance clip today, and was a little (or, rather, big) star !
big boy buster
Who remembers Buster ?
That’s right – Buster lives in Manchester, and he’s around 10 years old now. Buster’s a Maine Coon.
We see Buster on a regular basis for his clip, to keep his coat short. He’s always happier after his session with his easier to manage coat !
sweety misty
2 year old Misty from Heywood, Greater Manchester was waiting for us to call in on her, for her brush out.
Misty had a couple of small areas that needed to be removed – then she LOVED her brush out.
So chilled, so relaxed, so wanting more …. ! Nice seeing you Misty !
handsome dexter
Fluffy Dexter in Manchester was due his maintenance clip again recently.
Athough Dexter’s not keen, it is all old hat for him now and he just tolerates and bears it. He really not fussed about on top and fuss around the ruff (are you Dexter ?!). It’s that delicate underneath being fiddled with that Dexter’s not struck on.
However, with his thick Maine Coon cross Persian coat, he always feels much better after his session.
young meascha
Young Maine Coon Meascha from Heywood, Greater Manchester was her usual charming self when we saw her again recently.
Always so friendy. Always ready for a fuss !
Meascha’s coat was ready for its brush out, and we removed a couple of small troublesome areas.
See you again soon Meascha … !
sweet suki
We called in to see Suki in Bolton, Greater Manchester as her coat had become pelted on her back and sides.
Suki was a friendy young lady (10 years old) upon meeting and greeting, but was quite as keen to find herself on the grooming table.
However, we took away the areas in question, for a fresh, comfy regrowth for Suki. No doubt she’s now feeling much comfier.
Nice meeting you Suki !