Archive for May, 2016
gentle tilley
Tilley from Bolton was such a good girl during her maintenance session when we met up recently.
Tilley’s coat has been well maintained since last time. We had a good work through today to rid her of dead hair from her thickest areas, which were her ruff and flanks and took her bib a little shorter as this does hamper her on a day to day basis.
Later, Tilley’s auntie Katie said :
“I would just like to thank Sandra for such a wonderful job she did on our Tilley, she makes our Tilley feel so relaxed and the whole grooming session is so stress free, thanks Sandra you’r great. Tilley in the garden.”
Nice session, Tilly !
sweet samson
We met up with Samson recently. Samson is just 10 months old and he lives in Padiham, Lancashire.
Samson’s coat had become particularly matted around his chest, armpits, rear end and ad-hoc on his sides. We removed the offending areas, for a comfier Samson.
A little fidgety to begin with, Samson settled and spent considerable time helping out by washing around his chest area. Thanks Samson !
After the session, emmm … just a little frisky. Samson took out his excitement on his poor little mouse !
handsome bo
Here’s Bo from Warrington, Cheshire !
Bo’s coat has been well maintained since we met up with him during the Autumn time. Just a couple of lugs needed removing, followed by a good brush out.
Although Bo is quite a nervous young man, he obviously remembered his last sessions and lay quite contently on the table having a right good wash, whilst we worked on his right side. Brilliant, Bo ! His left side ? Em, not so keen … What were you hiding over there, Bo ?!?! Even Bo’s special mug didn’t totally take his mind off the job in hand (Bo is obsessed with a particular mug, and it’s generally a real distractor).
After the session, mum Karen said
“…thanks for coming to see Bo on Friday and for being so patient with him. I think he groomed himself non stop for about 2 days ! He was very chilled and even more lovey dovey than usual π His coat looks and feels great, see you in the Autumn”
dinky doo
Dinky from Horwich, Greater Manchester called us up again, asking for her routine clip.
At almost 10 years old, Dinky is Persian with a big coat ! She is always much happier after her short, back and sides – and it takes years off her.
As always, such a good girl during her session. Nice one, Dinky !
After the session, mum Yvonne said
“…Dinky Doo is brill ! Like a Spring lamb lion π She’s followed close by and even had a sleep in her cosy hut. She likes being stroked with no fur on π … She’s sat here after a big cuddle and purring away”
gentle ted
Here’s Ted in Darwen, Lancashire.
Recognise Ted ? What breed is he ? Ted’s a Maine Coon of course.
We took much of Ted’s coat away last time we met up due to pelts. Today, his coat was growing back nicely and we took away a few knots under his armpits and inner thighs in nice time, before they caught hold again. Areas such as his ruff, shoulders and tails which hadn’t been clipped last time were quite thick and definitely in need of a brush out ! Β Here’s the hair that came away !
Nice seeing you again Ted !
beautiful bella
Here’s 7 year old British Short Hair (otherwise known as British Blue) Bella from Chorlton, Manchester.
Bella’s been with her new mum almost a year now and we’ve met up with Bella a few times over the last few months.
Bella doesn’t enjoy her sessions at all – although they have become slightly easier for her. We begin with Bella tolerating the comb a little, but she quickly becomes fed up and she’s not afraid to tell us so !
However, her thick, plush coat is always ready for a brush out and we’re hoping that over time Bella will become more accepting.
gentle hercules
We called in to meet up with Hercules in Padiham, Lancashire recently.
Hercules is a Persian and he’s around 10 months old now.
Quite a nervous boy, Hercules settled into his session whilst we worked through the pelts that had developed on his sides and underneath.
We know for sure that Hercules will be feeling so much more comfy with his lighter coat !
Well done Hercules !
sweet sansa

We caught up again with Sansa in Chorley, Lancashire. If you remember, Sansa is a Ragdoll and she’s around 18 months old.
A little bit squirmy on the grooming table, Sansa was ready for her session. A few matted areas had developed since we last saw her during the winter. We took them away, and also we decided on a Belly Clip as mum finds it difficult to comb under there.
Well done Sansa ! See you again in a few weeks time !
lovely jose
Laid back Jose in Edenfield, Lancashire was ready for his maintenance session when we called in on him recently.
Jose’s coat has grown back fully now (we clipped a significant amount of it away last Autumn) but we had to take quite a lot away again, particularly from underneath and his flanks, at this session.
Jose’s not keen on his sessions, really. At 17 years old, he’d rather not bother – thanks very much ! However, he tolerates well and spends the time looking out into his garden. Then …. straight back to bed !
fluffy micio
Micio in Blackburn, Lancashire has been ever so patient, waiting for his moment of fame ! (we’re running a little behind with the stories we’re sharing with you).
Micio is around 3 years old now and he is a Ragdoll.
Although Micio lets mum brush, a few lumps and bumps had developed which needed some attention. We brushed out where we could, and clipped away where we couldn’t.
Ever so well behaved – but Ohhhhh, what a good story teller Micio is ! We’re sure that Mrs So-and-So at number 136 heard every word ! We listened – and empathised with him at the appropriate moments.
A few days after the session, mum Louise said ”
Micio feels so much better after his groom…..much more affectionate …and loving ….You were marvelous with him …whilst freeing him from the matts. ..a cat whisperer. …Thankyou”
Great session Micio. Well done !