Archive for March, 2016
how exotic
It was time to call in to see Exotic Luigi again in Windermere, Cumbria.
It’s always incredible just how much hair comes away during Luigi’s sessions, even though he has regular brush out.
Nice seeing you again Luigi !
lovely ollie
It was nice to call in to see our friend Ollie in Liverpool, Merseyside again.
Ollie is around 5 years old now, and we meet up with him to give him a helping hand with his thick coat.
We took away lots of dead hair, and took away a small area that couldn’t be worked through.
As ever, Ollie was a good boy and we know he’s feeling better for his session. Well done Ollie !
mr red
Red. Siberian Forest Cat. Sandbach. Cheshire. Almost 3 years old.
You remember Red, right ? Give him a Like if you remember him !
Red’s coat was its usual enormous self (!) and ready for a session. You can see the hair that came away, in the bottom left of the piccie below.
Why not come over to our facebook page to see a very short video clip of Red during his session. His right side has been brushed out. His left side has yet to be worked on. Compare and contrast !
fluffy dalmore
We met up again with Ragdoll Dalmore from Fleetwood, Lancashire recently.
Dalmore is a big guy. Friendly, and always inquisitive. Likes to help with the unpacking of gear – and that kind of thing !
Although Dalmore lets mum brush him, he’s not as keen on his undercarriage being tended to. So, to ease the pressure Dalmore had his usual a Belly Clip – followed by a good brush out to remove lots of dead winter coat.
All ready for Spring now, Dalmore !
miss duch
the lovely louie
how chilled
What a chilled girl Sosage was when we met up with her recently in Wigan, Greater Manchester.
You may remember, Sosage is quite nervous by nature. However – we worked through her coat today with no fuss – oh, and actually we think she enjoyed parts of it !
Afterwards ? Sosage had the opportunity to leave the room if she so chose. Did she ? No ! She laid on the bed, having a gooddddd wash, whilst all the gear was cleared away.
She was chuffed with herself all round !
curly rosie
Come and say Hi again to Selkirk Rex Rosie in Wigan, Greater Manchester.
Rosie has a curly wurly coat, particularly underneath, which just springs back after combing. It’s thicker on top, especially around her shoulders and spinal area.
Today’s session was much less fidgety than last time. Rosie really did remember what it was all about and she obliged in various positions as the session progressed.
It was a nice session, and Rosie was feeling much slimmer for it afterwards !
a real beauty
We were asked to call in to meet up with Light in Bury, Greater Manchester recently.
Light is 18 months old and he’s a British Short Hair (BSH) / Russian White cross.
A lovely boy, but really not enthralled by the idea of a grooming session. He’s not keen day to day, either.
Light’s coat was fine and very little was coming away during his brushout. A short session all round, as the benefit didn’t outweigh the means.
Have you noticed Light’s odd coloured eyes ? The condition mostly affects white cats. White cats with one or two blue eyes have a higher incidence of genetic deafness – however, thankfully, Light isn’t affected with this condition.
pretty lady
Chinchilla Persian Bola from Preston was such a good girl when we visited her recently for her brush out.
Bola is now around 6 years old. She doesn’t enjoy her sessions. That’d be overstating it a little ! However, she does tolerate them much better than she used to. Mellowing in her maturity ?
Nice seeing you again, Bola ! Well done !