Archive for July, 2015
gorgeous oliver
It was time to call in to see Oliver again in Bolton, Greater Manchester.
Oliver’s now almost 3 years old, and he’s a British Longhair (a British Short Hair with a long haired gene). It’s true to say that Oliver has the most thick, voluptuous coat you can imagine.
Last time we saw him earlier this year we took away the majority of his coat as he was a little matted, and in general it was too much for him to manage. Mum reports that since then, he’s been such a happy boy. Fantastic.
So, today, we clipped his coat back again. It hadn’t fully regrown, but was maybe around halfway there.
Although still fidgety, Oliver was noticeably more relaxed and compliant today. Saying that though, he still really doesn’t like being fiddled with underneath – so there still lay a challenge.
A great session, Oliver. Well done friend and see you again in a few weeks time …
Hercules champion
It was time to meet up again with our friend Hercules Champion in Kirkham Lancashire.
If you don’t know Hercules Champion, he’s a rather fine looking 16 year old Maine Coon. That’s right – 16 years old, but you’d never guess !
Hercules Champion has the best of everything. Fresh chicken, prawns .. oh you name it, he has it !
His coat was quite knotty this time round but our Hercules Champion was in quite a good mood once he found himself on the grooming table. We had a little catch up and lots of cuddles and sweet talk throughout. Hercules C likes it that way. He likes to snuggle his head whilst he’s being combed !
Afterwards, his coat looked so well !
miss dolly
It was time for miss Dolly’s maintenance groom once again and Dolly was such a little doll ! What a good girl !
She is quite a dainty young Persian cross lady, Dolly who lives in Carnforth, Lancashire and she’s now around 2.5 years old. As we began her sessions when she was quite young she knows just what to expect and although she comes across as nervous upon our arrival, once she’s on that grooming table she’s so chilled – grooming herself on her chest and paws, whilst we work further back / underneath.
Dainty she is, but she is tolerant of quite a rigorous comb when we hit a tangle. Then, we took away a couple of matted areas -including both armpits – with the clippers, as they were a little to difficult to comb out.
Fantastic session Dolly ! Well done !
A bonny boy !
We called in again on Theo in Bolton le Sands, Carnforth, Lancashire. Remember Theo ?
We last saw Theo last month, when we had a brush out. Theo’s not at all keen on being combed and he was very energetic during our session !
Today’s session was booked with the intention of clipping Theo’s coat back, to make life easier for everyone concerned. Theo, Theo’s family, and our sessions.
As last time, Theo was affectionate before the session and had a good nosey at what was going on. Once on the grooming table, although still quite fidgety, he was very much calmer than when we last met up. Theo sat for periods whilst we got on with the clipping and wasn’t at all afraid of the clippers.He’s not at all keen on lying on his side so we did as much as possible the right way up !
Good stuff Theo ! … and it’s generally the case that session get easier as they occur. Can’t wait to see you next time Theodore !
handsome milo
Here’s 7 year old Maine Coon Milo in Kendal, Cumbria who got in touch with us to arrange a session.
Milo’s quite a timid young man and he shied away behind the sofa when we arrived. The last time Milo’s coat was worked on, he had sedation to help him through the process.
A few minutes later on the grooming table, Milo was enjoying his brush out with little fuss. Very calm and compliant ! We took away lots of dead hair and one or two knotted areas (see piccie of the hair that came away). Good as gold, he was !
After the session, mum Roseanne told us
“Thank u Sandra for the wonderful job u did on Milo today. He hates me grooming him. He was brilliant for u. All his knots gone, coat looking beautiful again. He was such a good boy for u. U made him feel so at ease. Thank u. Def be booking him in again and such reasonable price 🙂 “
Great ! – thanks Roseanne and it was a pleasure to meet up with Milo and would love to see him again !
sweet rufus
We called in on Rufus again in Cheadle, Stockport, Cheshire.
Rufus is an 8 year old Persian who is the most adorable little man you could meet. Last time we met up, we gave Rufus a Lion Clip to make life easier all round for everyone. This proved very popular with Rufus, with reports from mum that he’s been such a happy little chick since our last visit.
So, today was a repeat clip. Rufus knew just what to expect of the session. He was asleep in his bed when we arrived and we had a little chat and greet. When he had roused, he sat watching as we set up stall (here’s a piccie of him on the right, before the session).
His coat today was still short and came away easily. Rufus wasn’t at all afraid of the clippers, but wasn’t too keen on his lower tummy nor rear quarters being attended to. However, we got there and now know that once again Rufus will be comfy in his new coat.
Well done Rufus !
new guy on the block
Archie is a new chick to join our gang ! He picked his new mum about a year ago, and Archie really has fallen on his feet.
We think that Archie is around 6 years old and he now lives in Middleton, Manchester. He was a little moody (?) for want of a better word when he arrived, and can still have his moments – but is settling into his new life well. His home environment is very calm and gentle and he is bonding well with mum.
Today, we brushed out Archie’s coat and removed one or 2 small lugs that couldn’t be teased out. We don’t know if Archie has ever had a professional groom before. He really would rather have not bothered, but overall he did fare very well and apart from the odd escape attempt and cheeky nip he managed to lie still so we could work on each section of his coat.
Afterwards, he had a short rest – then was out in the garden to see what he’d been missing, followed by a top up of his tummy.
He then lay quite contently, watching us clear up.
We’re going to see Archie again in the Autumn for a brush out before he develops his winter coat. Looking forward to it already Archie …!
Mum Nat later told us :
“Thank you Sandra! Archie was extremely pleased with his new look. As you know, Archie is nothing like Finnegan my previous cat. He is temperamental to say the least and I was extremely worried as to how he would react during the session. In fact, it took me a year to book it as I felt I needed to build up trust with him first. Needless to say, while he was somewhat ratty you were an absolute star in doing everything possible to make sure he was comfortable and cool! See you in October! xxx”
mitzi moo
Oh, Mitzi. What a lovely session again today.
Mitzi is around 10 years old now and a more gentle, calm, loving girl you could not meet. Oh, Yes – and she can tell a right tale. Meow meow meow meow ….. meow. Such a chatty chick !
We meet up with Mitzi in Billinge every few weeks to work through her thick coat and remove any odd knots or tangles that have formed. Today, Mitzi was as good as gold. She always is…. and after the session her coat looked so fine !
A few days later, mum Sue said
“Thanks once again Sandra for a wonderful job.Mitzi is beautiful again ! Your usual caring and professional approach has been most appreciated. It is obvious that Mitzi is totally at ease with you and almost seems to enjoy the session !”
See you again soon Mitzi …!
our friend monkey
We called in again to meet up with our friend Monkey in Clitheroe, Lancashire.
Since our last visit, Monkey has a new dad as his family are moving out of the area and feel it’s unfair to move him from his familiar environment. Therefore, he’s now a couple of doors down, happily settling into his new life.
Today, Monkey’s coat was thick with lots of dead hair sat there. He was definitely ready for our session ! We took away a pile of excess hair and he’s now feeling much lighter !
As always, Monkey low growled his way through much of the session. However afterwards – all smiles and head butts !
Nice seeing you again Monkey. Looking forward to next time already !
a free spirit
Spirit. A most gorgeous Persian Himalyan with a biiiiiiiggggg coat. He lives in Cheadle, Stockport, Cheshire with his housemate and family.
At 7 years old, Spirit is well on top of his coat and in the main takes care of it himself. However, there is a lot of ! See piccie of Spirit below, before the session …
Last time we saw Spirit we had a real good brush out. Only one or 2 tangles, but lots of dead hair came away. Today, we decided to let Spirit have a clip to make life easier all round for him.
Spirit was very settled as we began the session – on top and sides. However, really wasn’t keen on his underneath being clipped. Lots of sweet talk and we got there.
However …… After the session, the results were immediately apparent. Spirit spent the next (hour ?) having the best wash you can imagine. He could reach bits that he hadn’t seen for years and it was obvious that he was amazed !
We know that you’ll be feeling great, Spirit ! Well done fellow !