Archive for June, 2015
a rather large tiny
We called in to see Tiny again in Didsbury, Manchester. Tiny is a not so tiny Maine Coon of around 3 years old who lives with his housemates and family.
It’s a good few months since we last saw Tiny and he was as handsome as ever. He’s an extremely large boy. Very gentle – although very fidgety !
Tiny had developed a few ad-hoc knotted areas, so we decided the best approach would be to take about the lower section of his coat to give him a fresh start.
Very obliging at times was Tiny – outstretching various limbs to help proceedings – balanced by moments of plotting his next escape attempt, when he’d decided he had better things to do that afternoon.
All told, Tiny will definitely be feeling the benefit of his troubles now. Much more comfy, Tiny !
A few days after the session, mum Ann said
“Thanks, Sandra. He is indeed much, much more comfy and will now let me tickle tummy and armpits (previously unheard of)! Am really trying to brush him every day but he still manages to collect sticks, slugs, leaves and other items from the garden on his body. I am sure he is a new breed and doesn’t have fur but has velcro instead.”
lovely lammy
It’s a good job Lammy’s head is ruled by his belly ! To be specific – Chicken !
We met up with 7 year old Lammy in Levenshulme, Manchester to work through some knotted areas which had formed around his lower body and rear quarters.
Lammy really wasn’t as keen on the idea as we were and he did his best to make sure the clipping didn’t happen. He was particularly not enamoured by the thought of laying on his side.
So, we did the majority of the session stood up, helped at the front end with mum hand feeding Lammy chicken. He sure is a sucker for it. We know that Lammy felt an immediate relief after the session due to his posture and sitting position. The mats previously had hindered him sitting comfortably.
So pleased that you’re feeling great, Lammy !
gorgeous harvey
It was nice to meet up with Harvey again in Newton le Willows, Merseyside.
Harvey has the most incredibly thick coat you can imagine. Well, he is a Persian after all – and he was currently losing his winter coat.
A portion of it had become matted, therefore we removed the offending area and brushed out the rest of his coat. He will definitely be feeling lighter and more comfy now for his troubles.
Harvey seemed to know just what we were doing as we clipped knots away underneath and he managed to lie still at times. Chilling – Interspersed with moments when he’d decided the session should be over !
Well done, Harvey. Your new coat will grow back lovely …
mr merlin
We called in to see 3 year old Maine Coon Merlin again in Lowton, Greater Manchester.
Merlin has certainly grown since the last time we met up, last year. He’s now an X-Large boy alright !
Merlin’s coat wasn’t particularly matted – just a few tangles here and there – but in general it was very thick and definitely ready for a brush out.
At the start of the session, Merlin was fidgety. However as we progressed he settled and enjoyed the music we played for him. He’s not too keen on his lower back / tail area being attended to – but had to we must, as they were particularly thick. Merlin does, however, love his ruff and shoulders being combed “Ooh, just a bit more, please”. So – a nice balance !
A few days after the session, mum Leanne said
“He’s always a bit of a wriggler and tends to get grumpy after a little while ! He looks fab and must be feeling good – he’s just brought home a massive blackbird”
It was a long session as Merlin is such a big boy and his coat was so thick – but he was such a good boy. Fidgety, Yes ! … but he was hiding his grumpiness today ! Well done Merlin !
pretty mindy
Mindy is a new member of our crew – and she is found in Astley, Manchester. She is around 12 years old and has lived with her new mum and dad for around 9 months now, since being rescued.
Today’s session was to clip Mindy’s nails. A little apprehensive when we arrived, Mindy came and sniffed all the gear – then went and hid. However, as soon as her little feet were on the grooming table, she was very calm and relaxed and within a minute or two the session was over.
Afterwards, Mindy sat happily on the sofa whilst we had a photo shoot and a stroke.
See you again soon, Mindy. Very brave !
miss tilly
Our Maine Coon friend Tilly in Blackpool, Lancashire was recently due her maintenance session.
Tilly is quite a large girl and her coat was full today with much dead hair that needed to come away. Only one or two tangles were removed, followed by a good brush out.
The first part of the session was quite chilled by Tilly’s standards, but she’s never too keen on those armpits being attended to.
However, we had a little chat and she understood just how important it was to remove the tangles and comb through.
Clever girl, Tilly – Well done and we’ll see you again soon.
boy buster
We called in to see Buster again in Mobberley, Cheshire.
Buster is about 9 years old and he is a Maine Coon. His coat isn’t that long, but it’s very dense.
We last saw Buster a few weeks ago for his first session, when we took a large proportion of his coat away. This was to make life easier all round for everyone, as Buster was moulting like mad.
Buster definitely found today’s session easier in that he knew just what it was all about and what to expect. There were no knots to contend with and Buster’s coat came away without fuss. Dad’s presence definitely helped Buster during the session.
Following the session, mum Jackie told us
“The boys are great ! They both seem very happy and have not been sick once since having their hair cut (they had been sick a lot again once their coat became long and they were grooming a lot) they both seemed totally unaffected by their hair cut time this time and we are once again enjoying lots of cuddles”
What a brave boy – Well done Buster. See you again during the summer ..
the tyldesley girls
We called in to see Lucy (piccie on left) and Jess in Tyldesley, Greater Manchester as they we due their regular manicure session.
They have both been rescued by mum and dad and although are both timid cats, have both settled well into their new lives.
… and other news : Lucy and Jess have recently welcomed Rosie (piccie below – look at her smiling !) into their home.. Rosie too is a rescued girl and she has fitted quickly and easily into her new surroundings. Everyone gets along !
Each session is becoming easier for Lucy and Jess. Today it was all over before it had begun ! Well done girlies !
Rosie, we’re told, can be a little bit of a madam at times – but today she was good as gold and her session was over without fuss. Clever girl Rosie !
After today’s session, mum and dad Thembi and Colin said
“Thank you for the cat visit today. You were so kind with Rosie as she was a bit nervous I think. Lucy, Jess and Rosie all lay on the window sills this afternoon happy their claws on their paws are sorted.”
Bril ! Looking forward to seeing you all again in a few weeks time, girls !
gorgeous hercules champion
Hercules Champion was ready for our session this time around. It’s definitely his moulting time ..!
Maine Coon Hercules Champion is now 16 years old and lives with his mum in Kirkham, Lancashire.
We began the session very calmly and Hercules Champion gladly obliged, laying on his side and even outstretching his arms (front legs!) to help. He was not as keen, however, on laying the other way around. We often find one way is more favoured than the other.
No knots today, just lots of dead hair came away.
What a great session, Hercules Champion. See you again in a few weeks time …
lovely rosie
Here’s a lovely little girl for you to meet – Rosie. Rosie’s 12 years old and lives with her mum in Skelmersdale, Lancashire.
Rosie is quite nervous by nature, but ever so sweet once you get to know her. She was living in a shelter until she picked her new mum about 12 months ago.
Mum combs Rosie but it’s difficult going, underneath. Rosie’s not too keen on those areas being touched, so a few knots had developed. We zipped them of with the clippers and gave Rosie’s tummy a good comb through – and we’ve got to say, she fared very well !
A few days after the session, mum Jane commented
“Many thanks Sandra for smoothing out my Rosie. Although a bit patchy she’s still friends with me. Now it’s a lot easier to keep her lustrous locks soft and shiny”
Well done Rosie – you were such a good little chick !