Archive for June, 2015
theodore the persian
Theo (or Theodore on Sundays) ! What a lovely lad to join us !
This young man is just approaching his third birthday. Being a Persian, Theo has the most thick high maintenance coat going, which makes it unfortunate that he doesn’t care too much for a brushing.
Theo finds it difficult to tolerate any amount of brushing – anywhere apart from around his head / ruff. He has been clipped back on a couple of occasions, and today his coat was still quite short.
His first formal grooming session – ie. on a table, with an outsider – and Theo was very acrobatic ! Not a bad bone in his body, just determined to leave the table. However, as the session progressed, Theo did calm some. Towards the end he was managing to sit of his own accord whilst some light combing was carried out on his sides and back. We did get a few minutes underneath also, and were able to comb under his armpits. Enough for one Theo, for one day.
Next time we meet up we’re going to clip Theo’s coat back again, to make for an easier maintenance.
Well done, Theo – very brave. We’ll see you again in a few weeks, chick.
exotic luigi
We called in to see Luigi in Windermere, Cumbria for his regular brush out. Luigi is a 5 year old Exotic, with a semi-long coat.
His coat is always so dense. It’s incredible how he can have to much hair, as he’s brushed out regularly ! It never ceases to amaze ….
Today, we had such a gentle, calm session. A real turnaround for Luigi, compared to the first time we met up a couple of years ago. At that point, Luigi was the most nervous guy and he did everything within his power to leave the grooming table. Since then, regular sessions have helped Luigi overcome this fear and today he lay of his own accord, snoozing and obliging with various limbs at the right time. Clever boy, Luigi !
We removed a heap of dead hair from Luigi’s coat and know that, for a few weeks at least, he’ll be feeling lighter !
See you again soon chicky …
maine coon macy
Who remembers Macy in Manchester ? Macy is a well established member of our crew as she has a long, thick coat which needs regular attention.
What breed is she ? That’s right – Macy is a Maine Coon – and she is now 3 ½ years old.
We had a very vocal session today and one or 2 moments when Macy was convinced that she wasn’t really in the mood for a session today, thank you very much. However, there were a couple of knots that needed to be worked through, plus a good brush out. Macy really did lose a lot of that dead winter coat today (see the piccie).
You look lovely and light after your session, Macy ! See you again in a few weeks time chick.
the lovely ollie
It’s always nice to call in to see Ollie in Liverpool, Merseyside. Ollie’s now 4 years old and he lives with his housemate and mum.
Ollie’s coat is very thick and although we meet up fairly regularly, he is always in need of a good brush out. However saying that, today’s session was probably the best to date in terms of management of his coat. What we mean is, the maintenance schedule he’s on is paying off.
Good as gold. That’s how Ollie’s behaviour can be described. We removed dead hair from underneath, then moved on to his sides. We worked through as much as possible with the comb and took away just a couple of small areas on top with the clippers.
Ollie will certainly be feeling great with his new Spring coat on !
After the session, mum Barbara said
“Thanx San for today. The little monkey is back to his handsome self. All down to your amazing ways with our little ones x”
Good stuff !
handsome bailey
Bailey had his best session to date, today. Best session in that he’s more used to it now, and he was visibly more relaxed. Best session in that his coat was lighter and therefore the session was a little shorter. Best session in that his coat was knot free – due to regular sessions and we think, not wearing his harness for as long. All totted up – a great session !
Bailey is a Persian cross and he – would you believe it – is almost 10 years old. He is the most sweet boy you could meet, and so friendly and inquisitive. He lives in Alderley Edge, Cheshire with him mum and dad.
We literally had a brush out today – no tangles to contend with. We trimmed Bailey’s pads (underside of his feet) short, as the hair under there is sooooooooo long and he brings lots of mud into the house. We took a little away from his ruff/bib as he finds it difficult to eat/drink without his coat getting in the way, and also trimmed around his rear quarters to make toileting easier.
Nice seeing you again, Bailey. Look after yourself young man …
sweet tilly
Tilly, anyone ? Of course you remember this sweet girl in Preston, Lancashire !
At 10 years old, Tilly has suffered from some ill health over recent months and been diagnosed with diabetes. However, this is under control and she’s coming on in leaps and bounds. An overhaul of her coat a few months ago, and regular sessions are helping to give her back a spring in her step !
During today’s session Tilly was a little more fidgety that last time. Don’t know why ? Maybe she had a date to go to that we didn’t know about ? Anyhow, it was a fantastic session and apart from a couple of moments of fidgety-ness, Tilly was a little star and obliged at the right times – outstretching her little legs to help with the process.
After the session, mum and dad Deb and Daz said
“Another great session. Tilly’s coat is looking so glossy and fluffy. She is so much happier and just loves lying around showing off her fluffy white belly. Thank you”
See you in a few weeks time, Tilly baby …
miss maisie
Maisie ! What a great session we had again this time around !
15 year old Maisie lives in Stretford, Manchester with her mum. We meet up with her on a regular basis as– although her coat is short – it is extremely dense. Maisie isn’t able to keep on top of it herself any longer, nor will she let her mum comb her. Mum’s efforts were spoiling their relationship in that Maisie was fearing mum’s approach with the comb.
So, we meet up regularly for a good brush out and it’s always amazing just how much dead hair Maisie’s coat is holding.
Maisie always tells a fantastic story during her session … a really chatterbox …. but she is now so well used to her sessions she lays without fuss whilst we get to those hard to reach areas. She enjoys keeping an eye on what’s going on in the garden whilst all this is going on.
Fantastic Maisie ! See you again soon little girl …
koko and kleo
Two new girls joined our gang today ! Kleo and Koko. They are Siamese sisters who are 8 years old and hang out in Blackpool, Lancashire. The piccie is of Kleo.
The girls are house cats and have their nails clips regularly. Mum decided to book a home visit, rather than travel with them.
Kleo is the more outgoing and inquisitive of the two. She came for a stroke and was nosey-crowing in all our gear as we set up for the session. Nails clipped with no fuss – lots of chat though, as you’d expect from a Siamese !
Koko is a very nervous girl and was hidden on a dining room chair, under that table when we arrived. There she stayed until it was almost her call. To make for a calmer session, we moved the grooming table into the secluded kitchen and took her in there away from the bustle of the household. We let her calm on the table for a few minutes with fuss and strokes. She was extremely vocal at first, but did quickly calm down and she stopped chatting …. and was as good as gold whilst her nails were clipped. No problem at all for Koko. (By the way, all this was overseen by a very nosey Kleo).
Well done girls ! Very brave !
a perfect lily
It was time to call in on Lily again in Preston, Lancashire. Lily is a British Longhair (a long haired variant of the British Short Hair).
The first time we met up with Lily – about 18 months ago – it was a difficult session. Lily wasn’t afraid to use her claws or teeth to get her point across. Since then, session have become a little more relaxed – and the session earlier this year had been the best to date. Lots of swearing still, but with less action.
Today’s session however, was back to the early days. We’re hoping that this is because Lily had recently spent time out of her own environment in a cattery, whilst mum was on holiday – and that she was a little unsettled. We’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, Lily !
Anyhow sweetie, you look lovely (and lighter ! – See the piccie of the dead hair that came away !) and we’ll see you again in the Autumn.
handsome whiskey
Whiskey … What a lovely lad to meet up with !
He’s a 2 year old Maine Coon who now lives with his new mum and family in Rochdale, Greater Manchester. It’s fair to say that he’s fallen on his feet !
Whiskey lets mum comb him a little, but really isn’t keen on his rear quarters being attended to. A few mats had developed around that area which needed to be zipped away. His lower body – base of back, tail, flanks – were thick and needed a lot of hair removing. The rest of his coat in comparison was thinner and not as much came away.
The challenge, however, was working on Whiskey’s rear quarters. He really was determined that his mats were to stay put. However, they had to come away and we finally persuaded him as much.
After the session, mum Vicky said
“Thank you so much for today Sandra, Whiskey has finally come out of his hiding spot and is curled by my feet on the bed sleeping. He’s happy as larry and can’t quite believe he’s matt free (he keeps looking at me in surprise) you were fantastic and so patient with him when he was such a grump. Thank you again we appreciate your work so much. Vicky and Whiskey”
Thanks Vicky ! … So pleased to hear that Whiskey is feeling more comfy ! Well done Whiskey, we know it wasn’t your idea of a perfect way to spend the morning !