Archive for May, 2015
bonny bo
Bo is almost 3 years old and he hangs out in Warrington, Cheshire where he lives with his housemate and family.
Bo is extremely nervous by nature – but very friendly and affectionate once he’s sussed you out.
A few knots and tangles were removed from Bo’s coat – mainly from underneath – and a good brush out elsewhere.
As the session progressed Bo began to relax and afterwards mum Karen said
“Thank you so much for coming to sort out Bo. He has been a happier cat since you left and we have noticed he has been grooming himself more. His coat looks and feels more silky and it’s much easier to brush him (for us and him) now his knots have gone. Thank you for your patience with him and us. Here is a picture of Bo an hour or so after you left, as you can see he was very relaxed.”
Such a brave boy ! Well done Bo !
cutie clyde
It was 5 year old Siberian Forest Cat Clyde’s first professional groom today. Clyde hangs out in Salford, Manchester with his brother Victor, and mum and dad.
Clyde really isn’t keen on being combed and therefore a few mats
had developed – particularly around the armpit area, the flanks and underneath. We took away the offending areas from a very fidgety Clyde. In fact, the only time that Clyde could manage to keep still was the few minutes that brother Victor was in the garden – and Clyde was enthralled by what he was up to. In hindsight, we should have bribed Victor to stay out there !
After the session, mum Anna said
“Just a (slightly belated) note to say thanks once again for your expertise and patience with Victor and especially Clyde last week ! They’re looking very sleek and happy, and Victor even let out a little purr when I was brushing him yesterday so no more pretending not to like it ! Clyde still looks at the comb with utter disdain whenever I pick it up, but I’m working on it ! Thanks again x”
Come on Clyde … You have such a lovely coat, and you like fuss ! You should be making the most of it !
jasper lou
Jasper Lou. Well, just Jasper really – but we like to add the Lou as his smoochie coochie name ….
Jasper lives in Stockport, Cheshire and he’s now 4 years old – and he has the most amazing, thick, full coat you could imagine. Mum manages to keep on top of it so well.
Not a knot in sight – we worked through his coat and removed lots of dead hair from the winter months (see piccie). Jasper is always so patient and he lay still whilst we got through the session. He’s a chatterbox. Meow meow meow….. and of course we always answer with “really ?!” or “that’s right” or “never !”…. just to please him.
After the session Jasper was in the mood for a photoshoot and posed happily whilst we found his best side.
Well done Jasper ! See you again in the Autumn, fellow ….
cheeky charlie
Who remembers Charlie from Billinge, Wigan ?
Sessions are definitely getting easier for Charlie. The first time we met this 13 year old lass, she was quite grumpy and really wasn’t in the mood for a groom.
However, since then each session has become noticeably less eventful ! This is because not only is she getting used to it and knows what will happen – but also the sessions are timely and her coat is now in good shape.
Today there were no knots to speak of and Charlie enjoyed a good brush out to rid her of dead hair from her coat.
She looked like a million dollars afterwards – and she knew it ! Well done little girl !!
sweet anya
This sweet girl is Ragdoll Anya. Anya was found wandering a couple of years ago and was in quite a bad shape. She was taken on by her new mum and has never looked back. We think she is now around 4 years old.
Anya likes to be combed and this shows in her coat. Just a couple of matted areas underneath and on one side, and the rest of Anya’s coat just needed a good brush out.
Very vocal is Anya ! All of the time ! Including on the grooming table.
She chatted away for most of the session and we heard all about her life in Knutsford, Cheshire.
After the session, Anya had her lunch then set about a good washing session to sort herself out !
Her mum Chris later said
“Anya is great. She did a lot of grooming after you left and was a bit more clingy than usual but has settled well and looks good. I was pleased that she settled so quickly when you were working on her and she really seemed to enjoy it. I’ll be in touch.”
A lovely session, Anya – thanks and see you again in the Autumn time.
cheeky bertie !
Who remembers Bertie ? Bertie is a 6 year old Maine Coon who can be found, along with his housemates, in Urmston, Manchester.
Bertie is definitely becoming more at ease in his sessions. He is an extremely large boy and as such is quite a weight to position on the grooming table. However, Bertie knows what to expect and is happy to oblige.
We took away a few ad-hoc mats from the usual areas – tummy, inner thighs and armpits – and the rest of his long coat was brushed out.
A nice session – although we did have one or 2 low key growls in the background today. Cheeky, Bertie !
See you again in a few weeks time, fellow …
little herbie
Little Herbie in Stockport, Cheshire asked us to call in to give him a manicure again recently.
Herbie is such a sweet guy. His coat is immaculate as he really enjoys mum brushing him and it’s soooooo white !
Whilst Herbie was having his nails trimmed, he switched on a low growl. He does this each session but there’s no malice, he just feels he has to protest a little.
The dirty deed was over within a couple of minutes and Herbie was on his way. Back to bed for the afternoon.
Nice seeing you again, little fellow !
lovely lucy
It was so nice to meet up again with 2 year old Maine Coon Lucy in Didsbury, Manchester.
We last called in on Lucy during the summer last year. Since then, mum and dad have been looking after Lucy’s coat so well. We heard that Lucy is quite tolerant of the comb – except near the vulnerable lower tummy section, between her back legs.
A couple of knots had developed under there, but apart from that Lucy enjoyed a nice brush out.
She is quite a vocal young lady and kept us entertained with her chatter whilst she lay calmly on the table enjoying the fuss. Mum reports that as time has gone on, Lucy has become more demanding in terms of wanting attention. Well, she certainly lapped it up today.
After Lucy’s session, mum Rebecca-Anne said
“Thank you so much for coming out to see us, Lucy was looking forward to all the attention and she looks and feels much better now, noticeably slimmer (!!!!) and her coat looks much sleeker and healthier after her brush out. I’m very pleased for her !! x”
Well done all round, guys ! Nice session !
miss molly
We met up with a new member of our gang – Molly the Siberian Forest Cat in Lymm, Cheshire.
Molly is a little nervous of new people, but we got along just fine from the outset. Molly was quite inquisitive and spent time checking out all the gear as we set up.
Both Molly and her mum look after Molly’s coat very well. It is made easier all round as Molly likes to be combed. Just a couple of small tangles had developed underneath that needed to be clipped away. Other than that Molly enjoyed a good brush out. She was a tidgy (word ?!) bit fidgety at times, but so relaxed as well. She lay contently – some of the time watching her garden (where she strolls on her harness), the remainder of the time with her eyes closed listening to the music. Enjoying the fuss, really !
After the session, mum Rowena said
“Sandra from Essentially Purrfect did a great job grooming our little (not so little) Siberian, Molly. She’s only 15 months old but thoroughly enjoyed her groom. A few mats removed and a bit of, (cough, ah hem), tidy up round the back, and sorted! She is looking fab and her temperament has become more laid back and she’s busy cleaning herself all the time. Can’t wait till the Autumn groom.”
Well done Molly. Your first professional groom and you were a little star ! Looking forward to seeing you again in the Autumn time.