Archive for April, 2015
sweet elsa
Our friend Elsa in Stockport, Cheshire was ready for her maintenance groom, recently.
Elsa is the most gentle, friendly (nosey !) girl you could meet. She has recently moved house and is settling well into her new surroundings. Saying that, she’s still a little apprehensive and takes comfort from her bolt hole from time to time. She did however come over to say Hello when we arrived, which was so nice !
Mum and Elsa look after Elsa’s long, thick coat very well. Just a couple of tufts were starting to form, where the coat was the thickest but really well maintained.
Elsa, as always, was as good as gold ! Very relaxed and enjoying the cat music that we played for her. Afterwards she did her best to help with the cleaning up – by going around licking up the dead hair that had fallen on the floor ! Not good, Elsa !
Thank you so much for the gorgeous flowers, and looking forward to seeing you all again later in the year !
june maintenance appointments
We’re going to be getting in touch with existing customers who we think may be wanting to schedule in a June maintenance session.
There are literally just a handful of June slots still available so if you see this message first, please do get in touch to avoid disappointment. Or you may find that there’s ….
lovely oscar
What breed is Oscar, anyone ? That’s right – Oscar is a Maine Coon. He’s now 16 months old. He’s now 9kg (20lb). He’s still got 2 or 3 years until he matures. He’s going to be a big boy !
Oscar lives in Widnes, Cheshire with his half sister and family. He’s an inquisitive, friendly boy.
Mum brushes Oscar to some extent, but he’s very wriggly and doesn’t let her go underneath. During the session Oscar was very vocal – but he did relax sufficiently to allowing clipping of matted areas underneath and on his sides and armpits. We then brushed out the rest of his coat.
Well done Oscar. Nice meeting you big fellow !
gorgeous tilly
It was time for Maine Coon Tilly’s regular maintenance session in Blackpool, Lancashire.
Her coat was ready for a brush out, and just a few knots underneath needed to be removed.
Tilly’s not keen on being groomed but today she was in a real good mood. A couple of moments when she thought she knew best, otherwise Tilly (dare we say it ?) was quite chilled. In fact, she was as good as asleep at times !
We even had a photo shoot afterwards ! Well done Tilly !
lovely jemima
A new girl in our gang – 3 year old Ragdoll Jemima who lives in Eccles, Manchester with 3 of her kittens (who are now adolescents) – and mum and dad.
Very pretty and she knows it ! Mum brushes Jemima (aka Jemma or Jemba) but one or 2 small knots had appeared in Jemima’s thick coat as her winter coat is now coming away.
She’s a sweet girl, but she did have a lot to say for herself. Jemima was very fidgety – and there’s wasn’t even much going on in the garden that afternoon to distract her. Where are the birds when you need them !
However, we got on with the job in hand and afterwards, Jemma was very pleased with herself. Back in her favourite box, watching proceedings !
A couple of days after the session, mum Becky said :
“Many thanks for Saturday. Jemma’s coat feels like silk, and she looks so much better. She slept for most of the evening – I think she was tired out from all the moaning she did lol”
Nice meeting up with you Jemma …. See you again in the summer.
handsome henry !
Henry’s lives in Chorley, Lancashire with his family and housemate Rufus – a gorgeous Chocolate Labrador.
Henry’s still only a youngster at 20 months. RagaMuffins (a variant of the Ragdoll) don’t mature until they’re around 4-5 years old. However, it’s fair to say that Henry is quite a hefty boy already at around 8-9kg (18-20lb).
Both he and mum look after his coat really well, but Henry’s not that keen on being brushed around his rear quarters or underneath and a few small mats had developed.
We set about the session and it was obvious that Henry had other plans for the afternoon ! He wasn’t afraid at all (after greeting us with a face rub !), but he likes to be in charge and is quite stubborn with it. He has his weight on his side and did his best to end the session. Not a bad bone in his body – just determined !
Anyhow, we removed the areas in question and brushed out the rest of this coat. We know that he’s thankful now – indeed right after the session he went and sat outside the front of his house surveying all that was going on, and catching up on what he’d missed. He’s a character by all accounts and all the neighbours know him. In fact, when the trick or treaters call at Halloween, he’s the one who gives them a fright by jumping out on them from the hedge ! Hehe !
A few days after the session, mum Marie said
“Thanks very much for grooming Henry you have done a great job, I gave him a brush on Thursday and it was so much easier x”
Fab ! Nice meeting you, Henry !
such a fluffy boy
What a lovely young man to join our crowd ! We think that Fluff is around 15 months old – and he is so aptly named …
His mum in Wigan contacted us to pay a visit as Fluff had developed quite significant mats around various parts of his body. Fluff is a very gentle, loving young lad – but heck does he know some terrible language once he’s being told to do something that’s not his idea ! …. and all delivered at screaming pitch !
We listened carefully to what he had to say, but continued anyway because we knew it was all constructed to end the session. He wasn’t really in the least bit upset.
To show that there were really no hard feeling, we had a good stroke and chin rub afterwards. Friendly as anything and feeling much more comfy for his troubles.
A few days after the session, mum Viv said :
“Since Fluff has been groomed he has been more comfortable, a lot happier and a lot more alert. A much happier cat. Sandra was fantastic with him. I would certainly recommend Sandra. Thanks xxxx”
Lovely to hear and well done Fluff – So pleased your new coat will be hassle free for you.
lucy and jess
It was time for Jess and Lucy’s regular nail trim again.
The girls are house cats in Tyldesley, Greater Manchester and as such their nails don’t wear down like cats that play out.
We have a regular schedule worked out for them and they are getting used to the sessions. Although still nervous, each session is markedly easier for them.
After the session, mum and dad Thembi and Colin said :
“Thank you so much for the visit today. Lucy enjoyed looking at the cat car from the upstairs window. Jess and Lucy seemed so chilled this afternoon”
Big round of applause for both of you, girls !
our friend radek
It was time once again to meet up with Persian Radek in Newton le Willows, Merseyside.
As you may remember, Radek’s coat is so full and thick and is always ready for a good brush out. Today was not exception and we worked hard and fast to get through. As ever, it was still a long session – although we keep Radek’s belly short these days for ease on everyone’s side.
Hoping that we’re turning the Spring corner now and that Radek’s coat will start to get a little lighter for the warmer months …
See you soon, Radek little chick !
lovely louie
Persian Louie in Crewe, Cheshire asked us to call in again to take a look at his coat.
Louie found his new mum about 5 yrs ago and we have to say he really has fallen on his feet. When he arrived, Louie wouldn’t entertain being combed or brushed. He used his teeth a little to object. How things have changed. Louie is now the most gentle, loving, friendly boy you could meet – and he is so used to being combed as it’s now part of the daily routine.
We first met Louie last Autumn when we had a brush out. His coat was in good condition, with just a few tangles that needed working through. Today was similar. The coat was was a little thicker in parts – particularly around the legs and feet – but well maintained. Mum has been telling Louie -every day since we last met up – that he had to be a good boy as ‘that lady’ will be checking up on him !!
Well Louie, we did check up on you, and you’ve got top marks ! Well done little boy !