Archive for November, 2014
january appointment, anyone ?
Now, we know it’s still only November – but we’re already needing to work on the January diary.
As usual, we’ll be getting in touch shortly with exisiting customers who we think may want a Jan maintenance appointment. However, if you see this message first and this applies to you, can you please get in touch to schedule in.
Prevention is better than cure ! Thanks !
hercules champion
Each time we see Hercules Champion in Kirkham, Lancashire he looks more and more radiant.
Hercules Champion is now 15 years old – which is a fair age for a Maine Coon. He was suffered from ill health over recent years and has been pretty poorly at times. However, today mum reported him being well, he’s obviously put a little weight on and he looks happy and content.
We had a gentle session. We worked on a few knotty areas and had a good brush out. Hercules would always rather be either asleep, or playing out, but we think he knows that he always feels better after his grooming session.
After today’s session, his coat looked particularly well. It looked full, fluffy and even. The best we’ve seen to date. As well as removing dead hair and mats from the coat, regular brushing stimulates the skin to produce oil and removes dead cells and is an important aspect of health and wellbeing.
After the session, mum Gerry said :
“Hercules Champion is looking extremely well ! His coat looks lovely and his is very happy”
Hercules Champion is reaping the rewards of his sessions ! You’re looking very handsome, Hercules Champion !!
the lovely monkey
We called in again to see Monkey in Clitheroe, Lancashire as he was due his Autumn brush out.
Monkey is 8 years old. When we arrived, he was laid happily on his couch, enjoying the sunshine. He’s a quiet boy and a little nervous with it. We had a little chat and stroke before setting up our equipment.
Today’s session was a little more timely than previous ones and it did make a difference in terms of ease of brushing and length of session. On top of this, Monkey is a little more relaxed at each session occurs. On previous sessions we have tried a soft mask to help ease anxiety – which has worked well – but today we went ahead without.
Monkey’s coat was mat free, so he simply enjoyed a thorough brush out. Afterwards his coat looked really fine and healthy.
He was back in the room after the session, having a good sniff and nosey at all the equipment. He’d obviously forgotten that he had wanted to go out out earlier !
After the session, mum Sue said :
“I can’t believe how relaxed Monkey was for his grooming session this time. He didn’t need the soft muzzle and was content to look out of the window, keeping an eye on his territory ! He has been very pleased with himself since you came ! Looking forward to the next session ! Thanks, Sue and Monkey”
Nice session, Monkey. Well done ! See you again in the Spring !
the lovely red
Another pleasing visit to see our little friend Red – an 18 month old Siberian Forest Cat who lives with his family and menagerie in Sandbach, Cheshire.
Red is always out and about on adventures, and his long thick coat picks up twigs and bracken along the route. This summer has been a pain for those little sticky bobs attaching themselves and hiding away in there.
The seasons are evidently changing as Red is once again developing his thicker, winter coat. We had a good brush out and afterwards, Red looked in tip top condition.
He is such a friendly guy and we always have a good chat and cuddle during the session. Red adores sweet talk !!
Come over to our facebook page where you can see a short video clip of Red on the grooming table, at this end of session. Relaxed ? We think so !
little snowy
A more chilled out girl you will not meet ! Snowy is just 7 months old, but she knows how to behave just like a lady. She is a Persian who lives in Gorton, Manchester with her littermate brother, and human mum and dad.
We called in to see Snowy as her coat had developed a few knotted areas that needed removing. Snowy lay on the grooming table, absolutely chilled out. No – blissed out ! She adored the attention throughout the whole session and purred her way through it, even whilst we clipped her knots ! We then had a good brush out, and thinned her coat ready for winter. As we were brushing, Snowy was a real good help and she groomed her ruff and front legs for us !
“Thank you Sandra – Rio and Snowy had a lovely afternoon and they r feeling great after a lovely grooming session. They are both chillin out now whilst posing there well groomed hair, thanks to you
A perfect session, Roxanne. You’ve got a lovely girl, there … !
pretty macy
Maine Coon Macy is almost 3 years old and lives in Manchester with her housemate and mum. We see Macy fairly regularly as she has a long, thick coat which she’s not too keen on mum brushing.
Today, Macy had one or 2 ad-hoc knots which needed attention – mainly underneath. Her coat on top was thick and really ready for a brush out and Macy was very patient.
She is now well used to the session and knows just what to expect. Although Macy is always vocal she is very tolerant and lets us get on with proceedings. In fact, on the quiet, we think she enjoys the fuss ! She’s quite a large girl, and likes to lie across the length of the table with her head dangling off the end. It doesn’t look particularly comfy, but she likes it !
Today was a really nice, chilled session. We know that Macy would rather be doing something else with her time, but she is intelligent enough to know that the session needs to happen – and she goes with the flow. Well done Macy !
cutie cruella
We called in again to see 7 year old Persian Cruella in Goosnargh, Lancashire.
It’s only a matter of weeks since we last met up, but Cruella was certainly ready for her session again. Mum’s doing a good job brushing Cruella but as you know, Persians are very high maintenance. We had a relaxed brush out, which Cruella enjoyed. We’ve decided to keep the undercarriage shorter to make life easier for all and today it was just growing back. We’ll take more away next time.
Today, Cruella particularly liked the soles of her back feet being combed. She stretched them out obligingly at the right moments. Thanks Cru ! It’s true to say that Cruella’s coat is looking healthier and more glossy with each session. Brushing and combing stimulates the skin and oil and it’s working a treat for Cruella.
After the session, Sue told us :
“Cruella is really settled with Sandra after only a few sessions. Cruella looks great. Thanks”
Well done Cruella !!
handsome bertie
We called in again to see Bertie, in Flixton, Manchester. Bertie is a 5 year old Maine Coon who lives with his 3 feline housemates and playmate Labradoodle, and family. Quite a house full !
Last time we met up with Bertie we took some areas of his coat away as it had become a little matted. That was a few weeks ago now and today it was really pleasing to see Bertie’s coat really beginning to grow back nicely.
Bertie’s a real gentle giant and for the most part he lay patiently and quietly whilst we began his brush out. He’s not that keen on his trousers being brushed out but apart from that he does like a bit of fuss on the quiet. Especially around his ruff !!
Well done again, Bertie ! See you again in a few weeks big fellow …
what progress !
Most of you will recognise little Persian Mia who lives in Nantwich, Cheshire. We see Mia pretty regularly, for a brush out. In between, mum brushes Mia daily to keep on top of her thick coat. Mia is amenable as she loves the attention, …but not as keen on her armpits being combed.
Well ! News in from mum Alison to say
“Mia has just had a very successful groom, she let me do her arm pits for the first time yay ! Changed tack – groomed her on the table in the conservatory, she must connect with the room with grooming ! Just thought you’d like to know …. She ran round the house like a giddy kipper after then had a good self groom and is now flat out on the bed ! The life of a cat ay …xx”
What a success story ! Well done Mia and mum. Fantastic new, and here is Mia looking ever so pleased with herself after her session with mum !
cutie rio
Say Hello to 7 month old Rio. Rio is a Red Persian and he lives in Gorton, Manchester with his littermate, and mum and dad.
Rio is a little nervous of strangers and loud sudden noises – but it took him about 10 seconds to overcome this, and come for a nosey at all the gear that we’d brought with us. He was laid on the grooming table, just chilling, well before we’d set up. He was obviously looking forward to the session.
Rio’s coat had a few knots that needed attention – mainly underneath and around his rear quarters. He was a very patient little boy, whilst we got to work with the clippers. Not in the least bit afraid as we began sorting him out.
Then we had a good brush out. Rio’s coat is very long and thick and we removed substantial dead hair that was sat in his coat. There’s no doubt he’ll be reaping the rewards straight away.
After the session, Rio (and his sister) were out in the back garden, chasing flies and generally being kittens. They are such a happy little pair. It was lovely to see them enjoying their young lives so much.
Mum Roxanne later said :
“Thank you Sandra – Rio and Snowy had a lovely afternoon and they r feeling great after a lovely grooming session. They are both chillin out now whilst posing there well groomed hair, thanks to you
Fabby – thanks Roxanne ! It was really nice meeting up with Rio – he’s a gorgeous boy.