Archive for August, 2014
handsome jinx
Jinx. 8 years old. Frodsham, Cheshire.
What a handsome boy … and the most friendly fellow you can imagine. We called in to meet up with Jinx to help with removal of a pelted coat – mainly around his flanks and rear end.
Jink wasn’t keen on the clippers – very fidgety – but we think he enjoyed the brush out that followed. See the piccie of the hair that came away. At this point he relaxed on the grooming table with his eyes shut, listening to the music we played for him.
Nice meeting you mr Jinx … Well done chick !
black cats need a chance

Black cats spend much longer in rescue shelters than other cats, waiting to be adopted. Reports from one animal charity are that one in five people say “I don’t want to see any bl…ack cats”. The problem has got so bad it’s been dubbed ‘Black Cat Syndrome”
Reasons for black cats not being chosen / being dumped include : Too plain. Too dull. Don’t match the furniture. Just discovered not allowed to keep pets. Frighten the children. Looks too much like the neighbour’s cat. Worried will trip over it at night. Black cats are unlucky.
But seemingly high on the list is that black cats aren’t photogenic. They don’t photograph well, and this doesn’t go down well with the modern obsession of social media. How sad is that ?
Here’s our beautiful Jimmy. We adopted him and his black sister from a fantastic cat shelter – Furry Tails Feline Welfare, at Blackpool, Lancashire. They are adorable !
not moody at all
We called in to see Moody again in Prescot, Merseyside – as she was due her regular nail clipping session.
Moody is a 14 year old Burmese, who is certainly not moody by nature. You couldn’t meet a friendlier lass. Moody has a short, lush coat, and lets mum comb her regularly. Our job is to keep on top of her nails, and she has a trim every few weeks.
Fit, healthy cats that spend a lot of time outside generally naturally wear down their claws sufficiently.
However, indoor or elderly cats may need to have their claws trimmed regularly. Also, some cats have an extra toe (polydactyl) which doesn’t touch the ground (just like the normal dew claw) and may overgrow. If overgrown claws aren’t trimmed they can grow inwards into the pad and can be painful, and become infected.
Well done Moody … See you again soon lovely lady ….
our ollie
It was a pleasure to meet up with our Ollie in Liverpool again. Ollie’s now about 3 years old and lives with his housemates Poppy and Snoopy, and his mum.
Ollie has a short coat, but it’s extremely thick and he needs help working through to rid him of excess hair that’s sat there. There were just a couple of small areas that needed taking away with the clippers and the rest of him was ready for a real good brush out. His coat was also hiding lots of foliage from the garden, down at the roots – particularly grass seed.
The session was as laid back as ever. Although Ollie isn’t that keen on mum brushing him, once he lays on the grooming table he is as chilled as ever and doesn’t move a muscle from start to finish. He just closes his eyes and, we think, enjoys the fuss and attention.
Following his session, his mum Barbara said :
“Another fabulous job done on Ollie by Sandra making my baby more handsome then ever.Where would I be without you Sandra,c u soon x“
He will no doubt be feeling lighter and more comfy with his new thinner coat. Well done Ollie, you handsome chick. See you soon.
miss martha
This very beautiful Persian Chinchilla is 16 month old Martha. Remember her ? How could you forget that pretty face ?!
Martha lives in West Bradford, Lancashire with her housemates and family – and likes nothing better than playing out in the garden, where she gets covered in twigs and bracken and all sorts …
Hence our visit…. Martha’s coat easily gets tangled, and we worked through with the clippers removing some of her coat. Mainly around the upper back and sides and her under carriage.
Very squirmy (we wouldn’t have expected anything else from Martha), but evidently less so as the sessions occur. She obviously remembers previous get togethers and realises that it’s not that bad !
It was a very hot day and Martha LOVED the small tower fan that was blowing cool air in her face. In fact, she lay with her arms wrapped around it, quite contently, for a good few minutes.
A week or so later, mum reported that brushing is going well so far. Charlotte said :
“Thank you Sandra for visiting Martha. We have recently struggled with Martha’s coat as she goes outside lots and is long haired. Sandra always manages to make our princess look amazing. Sandra you have the patience of a saint and would highly recommend your services to anyone thank you again x”
Great, thanks Charlotte ! Well done miss Martha ! Keep it up !
gorgeous duch
17 years old !! Duch is a Persian Cross and as such her coat is extremely thick and full. She lives in Stretton, Warrington, Cheshire with her family and is extremely well loved !
Duch’s coat was matted and a large portion needed to be removed to give her and mum a new start. We decided to leave her with what was possible, rather than a full clip. (On the piccie above there is a pile of brushed away/clipped away hair, just behind Duch – she doesn’t have a hump !)
Duch did really well during her session and wasn’t in the least afraid of the clippers. After the session, mum remarked that Duch had been much less fidgety and behaved much better than expected.
Mum Gill later said :
“Duch is a 17 year old Persian cross with a long black & white coat. She had recently developed some very tight mats as her ability to groom herself had becoming more difficult. I was getting very anxious as the situation seemed to be getting worse. Duch is a very nervous cat and shakes and quivers the minute she is put in her basket. So I really didn’t want to put her through anything that would exacerbate the situation.
In walked Sandra- the life saver! She set up her grooming table, complete with gentle fan and soothing cat music and clippers that hardly made a sound and the next time I looked Duch was putty in her hands!! Sandra has such a calming gentle way of talking to the cats and immediately puts them at ease. It was incredible that Duch was so well behaved for two whole hours of steady grooming with the odd short rest in-between, if required. Sandra gave her a ‘comfort towel’ to lie on and cuddle and this took her mind off what was happening.
It was amazing and I don’t know why I worried!
If, like me, you feel very anxious of the whole ‘grooming thing’, then look no further than this excellent lady! Sandra of EssentiallyPurrfect is absolutely amazing and I would recommend her, without hesitation.
Grateful thanks Sandra from Gill and Duch – who, by the way, has a new lease of life. She has starting grooming herself again and looks so much happier.”
Fantastic ! Thanks so much for the feedback Gill and what a good girl, Duch – Well done ! Sooo pleased you’re feeling comfy with your new bod !
the lovely eric
Come and meet the lovely Eric, a long haired chap of 13 years who lives with his housemates and mum in Preston, Lancashire.
We were called in to help Eric with his coat as he’d developed some matted and clumpy areas, mainly around his back end and underneath. Eric’s not that keen on being brushed, which makes it difficult for mum, and underneath is really a no-go zone.
We took some areas of Eric’s coat away with the clippers, but his coat is so thick, long and dark it was barely noticeable. We then began to brush out the rest of his coat to rid him of dead hair that was still sat there from the winter months. However, this was Eric’s first professional grooming session and it’s fair to say that he really wasn’t keen on the idea. He told us as much in no uncertain terms.
We decided to split the session in two, and resumed a few days later. At the second session, Eric was a different chap.
He had obviously reflected on the earlier session and decided that it hadn’t been that bad after all. Additionally, we think that because he had been ridded of tight mats from his coat during the first session, he was feeling much more comfortable, calm and collected.
He lay patiently on the grooming table, of his own accord, whilst we brushed out – beginning with his belly ! Not a problem for Eric today ! He even cocked his head around to watch what was going on !
A couple of weeks following the session, mum Sheila reported that Eric seemed more content.
Well done Eric, you handsome boy ! …. Looking forward to seeing you again soon for your next brush out.
health and wellbeing
Although diet plays a major role in keeping your cat’s skin and coat healthy, the benefits of regular grooming cannot be underestimated. Grooming really is an important part of boosting health and wellbeing.
As the seasons change, most cats develop a thicker coat/shed their coat. However, cats lose dead hair all year around and therefore benefit from regular brushing. The brushing stimulates the skin and removes dead cells, as well as removing loose hair – which in turn reduces the likelihood of tangles and mats developing. Matted hair traps heat and can home fleas and other parasites. It can be painful as it becomes tighter to the skin and can increase irritation and infection.
Different cat breeds have differing grooming needs and the length and density of their coat determines how often a cat should be combed. Long haired cats like Persians, or cats with curly/silky coats should be brushed through daily – concentrating on those thicker areas, and those that most easily tangle (tummy, armpits, flanks, trousers). It can be less frequent for cats with short hair, however some breeds (like the British Short Hair) have a thick, dense, plush coat which will mat if not brushed through regularly.
Regular brushing also reduces the amount of hair your cat swallows whilst grooming him/herself, thus reducing the chance of hairballs developing. Although usually vomited up, in the extreme hairballs can cause a blockage in the intestine.
Ask yourself :
- Is it some time since your cat last experienced a thorough grooming session ?
- Does your cat suffer from any form of tangles/knots or mats in his/her coat ?
- Has his/her mood changed ? If Yes :
- Has he/she become a little grumpy ?
- Does he/she shrink away from being petted, or enjoying your attention ?
If you have answered Yes to any of the above, it may well be that your cat is experiencing itchiness or discomfort, due to his/her thick or matted coat. Or, he/she may feel overwhelmed with the prospect of trying to keep on top of it him/herself.
We have spoken to many cat owners who have can relate to the above points. Indeed, this is often when our services at EssentiallyPurrfect are called upon. What is really satisfying for us is the feedback we receive from our customers following the grooming session, in relation to how their cat’s general happiness and behaviour has changed for the better.
“Nick and I have both noticed that Penny is a much happier cat. She loves being stroked now, whereas she could only handle a little bit of petting before you visited. She just can’t seem to get enough of our attention now ! So thank you so much.” Katy and Nick. Lowton, Warrington
“Radek is like a different cat !!!! Not just because he looks gorgeous, but he seems so much happier.” Lorraine. Newton-le-Willows, Merseyside
“It [the groom] certainly seems to have given 12 year old Bindy a new lease of life and her coat is so silky and smooth.” Lesley. Bury, Greater Manchester
“She [Bonny, 16 years old] is so much better and is having more quality of life ….. she is even grooming her face and head.” Wendy. Walton-le-Dale, Preston, Lancs
“Mo is full of himself and seems to have a new lease of life after his clip. He obviously feels so much better.” Kerry. Clitheroe, Lancs
“Marie [17 years old] has been an absolute delight since her new “haircut” and pamper session with you. She’s strolling around like a little princess.” Tracey. Preston, Lancs
“…managed to get all her [Vera’s] tangles out and she’s now feeling a lot happier and more relaxed.” Jill. Manchester
As with most things, prevention is better than cure. By brushing out your cat regularly, we can prevent crisis point and make for a happier cat, a happier you .. and in turn a happier us !
A regular appointment schedule will be cheaper for you as we will not be managing a difficult coat. It also attracts a 10% discount on the groom itself.
Why not check in with us today to discuss your cat’s needs, and arrange an appointment ? See how handsome Billy, above, looks …. His mum called us, and we would love to hear from you too !
cheeky herbie
Herbie is the most soft, loving, gentle 3 year old Tabby Red Maine Coon you could meet. He lives in Warrington with his family and is a real mummy’s boy.
On the grooming table, however, we do see a different slant to his personality. It’s fair to say that Herbie isn’t keen on the idea, and would rather be doing something else – somewhere else – with someone else … !!
We worked through Herbie’s coat, which had developed a few matted areas which needed attention. We then had a good brush out. Not an easy task with such a big boy, who had other ideas !
However, we’re sure that Herbie will reap the benefits of his sleeker, lighter coat – and deep down we think he knows just what the sessions are all about. He’s not daft !
Well done Herbie … See you again in a few weeks time.
lovely konnie
Do you remember this chilled out chick ? This is 3 year old Maine Coon Konnie who lives in Warrington, Cheshire.
Konnie is quite a nervous girl by nature, but once she’s laid on the grooming table she becomes so chilled. We do have the occasional growl – this has always been the case – but this is definitely reducing as each session occurs. Plus – Konnie can growl, lay contently with eyes closed, tail still, and enjoy a tickle under the chin – all at the same time. Clever ?!
It about 3 months since we last met up and mum has been able to keep on top of Konnie’s coat with regular brushing. Just a couple of small matted areas needed to be clipped away, followed by a good brush out.
If you didn’t catch it last time, why not pop over to our facebook page where you can watch a short video clip of Konnie chilling on the grooming table.
Looking forward to next time already, Konnie ! Well done !!