Archive for July, 2014
jerry lee
Meet Jerry Lee in Goosnargh, Lancashire. Such a placid, gentle, 7 year old Persian who loves being groomed. On his terms only !
Jerry came to live with his new mum recently, and had been clipped about 4 months ago to relieve him of matting. At our visit his coat was slowly growing back, but was still quite short and thin in places.
It was a very fidgety session, but also, it was a hot afternoon – which doesn’t help matters. There really wasn’t anything for Jerry Lee to worry about as his coat didn’t hold any knots or mats (just bits of garden !), but he really wasn’t keen on being on the grooming table. We had short bursts of calm, interspersed with episodes of high fidgety-ness.
Hopefully at his next session he’ll be more relaxed and compliant. This is often the case.
After his session, mum Sue said
“Sandra was so patient with my two Persians. She took great care and knew when they had had enough. Both looked and I suspect felt, fabulous. I was given some fantastic tips on how to groom. Highly recommended x”
Bye bye for now Jerry Lee and stay away from the twigs and bracken please ….
mr red
Red the Siberian in Sandbach, Cheshire asked us to call round again to have a look at his coat. It’s always nice to meet us with Red as he is such a gentle, friendly guy. He’s only a youngster still, at just 15 months so he’s going to get bigger yet.
He had sad news for us, in that since our last visit he’d been hit by a car and had had an operation on his hind leg and foot to insert a rod. Thankfully it’s healing up nicely and it doesn’t seem to have hampered his mobility.
As ever Red purred his way through the grooming session. He loves a cuddle and sweet talk as we’re brushing. It helps him to relax !
Well done Red and pleased you’re well on your way down the road to recovery… See you soon, chick.
charming cruella
This young lady is a 7 year old Persian called Cruella who lives with her 4 housemates and family in Goosnargh, Lancashire.
As far as we know, this was Cruella’s first professional grooming session and we weren’t sure quite how she’d take it as she’s not always that keen on the brush – although she is getting better. Cruella’s new mum has taken up the challenge of high maintenance Persian grooming very well, and reports that Cruella is a little more tolerant as time goes on.
We began the brush out underneath and it was pleasing that there were just one or 2 knots that needed to be zipped off with the clippers, and a couple around the backend. The rest of Cruella’s thick coat really benefited from a good brush out, as there was a lot of dead undercoat sitting there. Cruella was clipped around 4 months ago, so it really doesn’t take that long to build up.
After the session, mum Sue said :
“Sandra was so patient with my two Persians. She took great care and knew when they had had enough. Both looked and I suspect felt, fabulous. I was given some fantastic tips on how to groom. Highly recommended x”
It was a hot afternoon, and Cruella behaved really well throughout. Well done Cruella chick …. See you again soon for your next brush out.
lovely luigi
It was time to meet up with the lovely Luigi in Windermere, Cumbria again. We see Luigi, who is an Exotic, on a regular basis to keep on top of his thick coat.
Luigi is a nervous boy by nature, and during the first session last year he was quite anxious and fidgety. As regular sessions have been held, Luigi has become much more comfortable and relaxed with proceedings. Also, we are now more on top of his coat, which makes the sessions easier for him – although his coat is definitely always ready for a brush out !
Nice seeing you again, Chick. See you in a few weeks time …
every felt like this ?
Hands up if you have days like this !
Come over to our facebook page and let us know ….
gorgeous willow
Meet Willow who lives with her dad in Clayton Le Moors, Lancashire.
Willow is 13 years old (although she doesn’t look / act it) and is a Havana (or Havana Brown). Havana’s are similar to Oriental Shorthairs and are also known as non-blue eyed Siamese. They are intelligent, althletic, playful and vocal … and vocal …. and playful …. and athletic … !
Dad is well on top of Willow’s grooming. Her coat is short and she loves the fuss and attention of his brushing. We were called in to look at Willow’s nails which were in need of a trim.
Although Willow wasn’t over the moon at the thought of having her nails trimmed, she was calm and behaved very well during her time on the table. She is such a gentle girl and afterwards held no grudges whilst we had a play on the settee with her mouse.
It’s a shame that the piccie is a little blurred, but you can see how beautiful Willow is. Lovely Girl ! Well done !
our friend hercules champion
We were really pleased to meet up again with one of our friends Hercules Champion.
Hercules Champion (affectionately known by us as Herkie Kerkie) is a most gorgeous silver/red Maine Coon who lives in Kirkham, Lancashire. If you didn’t know as much, you’d never think that he’s 15 years old !!
We like seeing Hercules Champion, as his mum tells us that the sessions really perk him up. Certainly the difference in his coat is immediately evident after a session, and he does look much younger !
Today’s session was during the afternoon. It was a really hot day, and we did our best to cool the room before we started the session. Hercules Champion knew what it was all about and lay patiently on the grooming table whilst we clipped his nails (no hassle) and began his brush out underneath. He obviously enjoyed the cool air from the fan in his face whilst we combed away.
Although we see Hercules Champion on a regular schedule his tummy and trousers in particular were well in need of attention. He loves to explore the nearby vegetation and grounds and comes home with all sorts of undergrowth attached to his coat. Especially ‘sticky bobs’ – the bane of our lives at the moment with many cats we see !!
After the session, mum Gerry told us :
“Hercules Champion is happy after his grooming session. He’s much more comfy and is purring away !”
Good stuff ! Looking forward to our next visit already … !
hairballs, anyone ?
![93ea3e14678703a26779d16273d28f45[1] with source](https://essentiallypurrfect.co.uk/web/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/93ea3e14678703a26779d16273d28f451-with-source-300x246.jpg)
Of course, any worries on this subject – don’t hesitate to get advice from your vet.
little milly
We met up with Milly again in Ripponden, Yorkshire.
Milly is a 2 year old Ragdoll, who has the most amazing fluffy coat.
The first time we met up last year, there was far too much off it and it took some time to work through, and a few clumps here and there. A couple of sessions on and Milly’s coat is much more manageable and not a mat in sight ! Milly and mum have been able to brush through and keep well on top of it.
However, that’s not to say we didn’t take a fair amount of dead hair away during the session. See the piccie on the left – all the dead hair that came away. A lot of hair for a small cat ! In fact, Milly looked like she’d lost weight afterwards.
Mum Abby later commented :
“Great to see you again. Thanks so much for helping Milly with her very fluffy coat ! Just in time for this heat wave ! She seems so much more comfortable now and also looked like she’d lost half her body weight after she’d seen you ! Thanks again. See you soon x”
Nice seeing you again Milly …. What a good girl !
pretty holly
What a nice session we had with Holly in Padiham, Lancashire, when we met up again recently.
Holly is 4 years old and has a gorgeous, lush coat. We see her on a regular basis, to keep the knots at bay and she is now well used to the proceedings.
Always vocal – telling us exactly what’s been going on since our last visit, maybe ! – Holly lay patiently on her side whilst we got to work underneath. She even obliged by turning further and laying on her back with all 4s in the air, for some of the time ! She’s not keen on being combed in this area, but it does get easier for her as each session occurs.
No knots or mats in sight, but she was ready for her brush out as some of her coat was extremely thick and would soon have started to clump.
After the session, Holly went straight out into the garden to catch up on her sunbathing ! Well done Holly – such a good girl !!