Archive for March, 2014
sophie and chloe
We called on these 2 ladies in Knutsford, Cheshire as they were due their maintenance grooms. Both have high maintenance coats, but in different ways.
Sophie is a Silver Spotted British Short Hair, and is 16 years old. Her coat is short, but is so thick and dense it becomes impossible to comb through if it’s not kept on top of. Sophie doesn’t particularly like being groomed but has to tolerate it otherwise she would quickly become matted.
Chloe is 6 months younger than Sophie and is a Persian. As a Persian, Chloe’s coat is long and thick and needs daily brushing. She lets mum brush some areas, but isn’t keen on the back legs nor underneath – the usual places !!
Both girls looked gorgeous after their sessions …. Well done girlies, see you soon
keep an eye on the nails …
Fit, healthy cats that spend a lot of time outside generally naturally wear down their claws sufficiently.
However, indoor or elderly cats may need to have their claws trimmed regularly. Also, some cats have an extra toe (polydactyl) which doesn’t touch the ground (just like the normal dew claw) and may overgrow. If overgrown claws aren’t trimmed they can grow inwards into the pad and can be painful, and become infected.
hercules champion
Delighted, as ever, to call on Maine Coon Hercules Champion in Kirkham, Lancashire once again for his maintenance groom. Parts of his coat were clipped away at the end of last summer and now the hair is growing back beautifully.
Hercules Champion has recently moved home and at our visit he seemed to be feeling – or acting – a bit under the weather. We know that any change is stressful for cats – even moving the position of a chair in a room, never mind moving house !
We had a good brush out, and spent some quality 1:1 time together.
A few days after the session, mum Gerry told us :
“Hercules Champion seems to have really picked up since his grooming session. A good session of tlc and now he’s looking really well”
Hercules Champion knows he’s a good looking lad ! See you again soon big fellow … !
friendly felix
Meet Felix – an 8 years old Persian Chinchilla who lives in Cheadle, Greater Manchester. He is such a friendly guy and came down stairs to say Hello, after a cheeky poke and nip through the stairs banisters !
Felix is a big, strong lad – both in body and spirit. His coat is extremely thick and although mum is able to comb him for a few minutes each day, some matted patches had developed underneath and around the armpits which we clipped away. The rest of his coat benefitted from a good brush out.
Following the session, mum Joy told us :
“Dear Sandra … It was a pleasure to meet you and I must admit I was a little nervous and apprehensive before you arrived as my boy Felix is not too keen on being groomed. Even after all his protesting you were patient and professional. He is now tangle free, looks great and none the worst from having a real good groom. Wishing you well. Hope to see you soon. Many Thanks”
Thanks so much Joy and nice to meet your boy, Felix. Look forward to seeing you again soon …
march birthday babes …
These lads and lasses – all customers of ours – all celebrate their birthdays during March.
Ages range from 1 to 21 years old !!
Happy Birthday chickies … !!
lovely lily
Lily is a 12 year old British Longhair who lives in Preston, Lancashire. This breed is basically a British Shorthair (BSH), with a long hair gene.
Her coat, like a BSH, is plush and dense and was in need of a good work through to remove significant dead hair and some matted areas.
Lily doesn’t like to be groomed which makes it difficult for mum as her coat is so full and thick it really does need to be combed every day …. and in keeping with her breed character, if Lily doesn’t like something she’ll let you know about it with no qualms !
You’ll be feeling much more in control of your coat now, Lily ! Well done !