Archive for March, 2014
our tilly
We met up with Tilly again – a 2.5 year old Maine Coon from Blackpool, Lancashire – who was due her maintenance groom.
Tilly is a large girl already, and she still has another couple of years growth before she reaches maturity. She had a couple of small knots underneath which were clipped away, and a brush out elsewhere.
Nice seeing you again Tilly !
catnip or not ?
We have one that adores catnip – she’ll roll over in it, eat it … sleep in it if she could.
Another of our just couldn’t care less, and won’t even open his eyes to check it out !
sweet susie
It was nice to meet up again with Susie – a Norwegian Forest Cat who lives in Davenham, Cheshire.
Since we last saw her, both Susie and mum have really kept on top of her extremely long, thick coat. Just a couple of small matted areas had developed underneath which needed to be clipped away – followed by a good brush out to relieve her of the dead hair from her winter coat.
Susie is a quiet girl and lay patiently while we worked through. Nice seeing you again, Susie !
ready for a spring brush out ?
As the seasons change, most cats develop a thicker/shed their coat. However, cats lose dead hair all year around and therefore benefit from regular brushing. The brushing stimulates the skin and removes dead cells, as well as removing loose hair – which in turn reduces the likelihood of tangles and mats developing.
Cats shed dead hair particularly during the Spring and Autumn, so now is an ideal time to plan a brush out session for your little one. This is to remove that dead winter coat and help reduce the risk of coat problems (ie. mats) later in the year.
Here’s Jasper in Stockport, Cheshire after his first brush out session. As you can see, we were able to remove such a lot of dead hair from his coat and left him feeling lighter and happier. Look at the smile on his face !!
What are you waiting for …! Get in touch today and we can discuss and schedule in an end of March, or April session. We’d love to hear from you !
radiant red
Come and meet Red – a 10 month old Siberian, who lives in Sandbach, Cheshire.
Red is the most gentle, loving boy you can imagine. Although only 10 months old he is a Large guy already – and still has a lot of growth to come. Siberians don’t mature until they are around 5 years old.
Breeders and some pet owners claim that Siberians can be safe for many allergy sufferers (but sufferers are advised to check their own reactivity – not take this as gospel !).
Our Services were called upon as Red had developed mats in some areas, which needed to be clipped away. He wasn’t at all bothered by the clippers – he’s the most laid back fellow you can imagine. He started getting a bit fidgety mid session, but worked with us and we think he really knew what was going on.
After the session, mum Karine said :
“A big thank you to Sandra for her patience with our gorgeous cat Red ! Red was in a bit of a mess but Sandra managed to get him back to his former glory and now looks beautiful again. Many thanks”
Nice to meet you Red. Look forward to seeing you again in a few weeks time….
social media
Did you know that we’re on facebook ? Why not come over and see what’s going on …..?
Do you Tweet ? We can also be found on Twitter if that’s more your style …..
….. and Pinterest ? How about some of our Pins …. ?
Come and check them out !
sweet misty
We first met Misty last summer. Although she is shorthaired, her coat had become unmanageable as at 18 years old she’d stopped grooming / had become unable to keep on top of it. It was very clumpy and heavily matted in places. We clipped away significant areas to make her more comfortable.
This session again, Misty’s coat was extremely full and clumpy again – both underneath and on top – but we were able to brush out this time, and spare her any clipped patches.
Misty is a very vocal lady and chatted her way through the session. What a story !
We’re sure she’ll feel more comfortable now and, like previously, will now take up grooming again for a period until once again it becomes too much for her.
We’ll see you again soon, Misty !
what a position !
Do yours get into crazy positions too ?
Why not come over to our facebook page and upload a piccie so we can all have a laugh !
receptive ringo
Ringo – a 12 year old lad from Southport, Lancashire – called us in to help work through his coat.
Although Ringo’s hair is short, it had become thick and clumpy due to the fact that as he has got older he no longer grooms himself.
Although very vocal, Ringo was able to take quite a harsh work through with the comb, so we were able to save the majority of his coat. Just a small area down his spine needed to be clipped away.
We think that Ringo knew exactly what we were doing, and although he’d rather have been having his usual nap he was patient and let us get on with it.
Following the groom, Ringo looked like a different cat ! He had a little wash (!) and settled down for the evening. We think he felt better in himself straight away.
Mum Jackie later told us :
“Thank you for taking care of Ringo’s matted and scruffy coat! He looks so much better now and he seems to be much happier! Thanks again for your very professional service, will highly recommend !”
Thanks Jackie, so glad we were able to help your little chap.
what a thank you
A gorgeous bouquet of roses and carnations received today from the lovely Elsa herself, following her groom.
Thank you so much little chick, they are really appreciated !
Our little ones have had a good sniff at them, checked them out and have given them the ok too ! xx