Archive for February, 2014
little athena
Athena is a 7 month old Persian kitten who lives in Middleton, Greater Manchester. Just the sweetest little girl you could meet.
Our services were called upon as, although she enjoys the brush, Athena had developed a few mats on her lower chest, under the armpit and on the inner side of her back legs and trousers. The usual areas where kittens don’t like to be brushed as much !
This was Athena’s first professional groom and although she was a bit fidgety, she did seem to understand that we were helping her and laid as patiently as she could whilst we clipped away the problem areas. Mum is able to comb the top of her coat and this showed.
Following the session, mum Christina told us :
“Thank you so much for Athena’s grooming session. She looks fab. Her fur is perfect now. You did a fantastic job. I would recommend you to anyone and will be booking you again. You offer a brilliant service and it’s worth every penny. It’s definitely the best way to have your cat groomed. My mum said you had a natural way with cats and Athena instantly loved you xx”
Thanks so much Christina … and well done Athena. Such a good girl, and we look forward to seeing you again.
stylish shelves …
What do you think ? Would they look good in your kitty’s home ? What would they think ?
Why not come over to our facebook page and let us know ….
gorgeous sissy
Sissy is a 3 year old cream Persian, who lives in Liverpool, Merseyside. Sissy was so friendly – and curious – when we arrived with all the gear. She wanted to know just what everything smelt like, and she watched with interest as we set up.
Our services were called upon as Sissy had developed a very thick, matted coat which no amount of combing would resolve. You can see from the picture on the left how the coat doesn’t sit to the body. She also had mats right up the back and sides of her head. The only option was to clip Sissy fully, so that she and mum have a fresh start.
This was Sissy’s first clip and she reacted very well to the session, with some sweet talk from mum. We worked through and although Sissy was fidgety, we think she understood what was going on. As each mat was removed, we could almost see the relief on her face.
After the session, Sissy immediately set about a good self grooming session then after a few minutes in her favourite cardboard box (!) settled down on the sofa. Just as we were about to leave, she smothered us with lots and lots of licks. Proof that she really did know we had helped her, and that she really was happy ! So lovely to see.
Following the session, mum Ondina’s daughter Egle told us :
““Sandra is highly professional and she really shows a passion for her job. My mum has a Persian cat named Sissy that was badly matted. Sandra spent a good few hours there and now Sissy looks so beautiful and happy! I would definitely recommend her to anyone and next time I’ll have my cat having a treat too.”
Thanks Egle and Ondina .. and so nice to meet your little girl. Can’t wait for next time …!
the most comfy cardboard box …
We think this must be the most comfy cardboard box in the whole wide world ….
Does yours like to explore every box that comes into the house, too ?
gorgeous shah
It was recently time to see the Shah once again, in Little Hulton, Manchester. The Shah is a 21 month old Persian, and he is quite a character.
His coat is now in great condition. We spent some time last summer working through areas where mats had started to form and this hair has now regrown. We scheduled maintenance visits during the autumn/winter to really get on top of the situation and to get the Shah more used to the sessions – and dad Tony is in a routine with daily combing. It is important to start young, and get into a routine to avoid problems later – especially with a strong minded individual like the Shah who likes things on his terms only ! Perseverance is key, and it is paying off.
We had a good brush out, and although the Shah had his moments his behaviour was much more settled than the previous session.
Dad Tony later said :
“He can be the most loving, if he’s in the mood. If not he won’t tolerate even me. One thing that never alters with him is his bond with me. He always sleeps next to me on his side of the bed. If I get up in the night he comes with me, and when I go back to bed he goes round to his side and jumps up. Although food is left out for him in the night he will not touch it. He will only eat when I get up and give him a few Dreamies. He is incredibly strong and only someone with the experience and expertise as well as patience, that Sandra has in abundance, could look after The Shah. Our thanks go out to you”
Thanks so much Tony and well done mr Shah ….. Keep up the good work and see you soon !!
herbie and konnie
These 2 Maine Coons are 3 year old Konnie, and Herbie who is 2.5 years old from Warrington, Cheshire. Both have been groomed before a few times now, so they are au fait with proceedings.
Konnie’s (Tabby) coat was absolutely knot free as mum is able to comb through. We had a thorough brush out to remove dead hair from her coat and leave her feeling lighter.
Herbie (Tabby Red) doesn’t like mum combing underneath, so we spent some time working through a few knots and mats that had formed. The top of him was lovely, as he actually doesn’t mind the attention there !
See you again in a few weeks girls and boys !
our mia
It was nice to be asked to meet up with Mia again. Mia is a 4 year old Persian who has now lived with her new mum and dad in Nantwich, Cheshire for about 12 months. She is so settled and such a happy little soul you’d think she’d known nothing else.
As you would expect of a Persian, Mia’s coat is extremely long and is incredibly thick. She is a very friendly, sweet girl who loves attention and apart from a few fidgety moments she was so patient as we worked through her coat. A few tangles underneath and around the armpits were teased out, and lots of dead hair was brushed away.
Mum is able to comb Mia and is working it into the daily routine. With such a thick coat like Mia’s it’s important to introduce your kitten/cat to daily grooming as young as possible, so it becomes accepted as the norm.
Following the session, mum Alison said :
“Sandra, you were amazing with Mia as always ! She did have lots of dead hair, so much so you could knit your own cat after ! She had her bib trimmed and is much happier now she almost skips !! Thank you xx”
Well done Mia … We know, that you know, you are gorgeous !!
what do you think ?
We LOVE these !!
What do you think ? Come over to our facebook page and let us know !
how high ?
Strong back legs, strong back muscles and good calculating skills allow the cat to possess astonishing acrobatic skills.