Archive for October, 2013
who’s having a laugh ?
Here is a really striking piccie, sent to us by mum Jo, of Illy and Milo – 2 Siamese customers of ours. What lovely teeth you have Illy !
Milo has obviously said something really striking or funny to Illy, judging from Illy’s expression. What on earth could it have been ? Come over to our facebook page and tell us what you think !
bella the beauty
We called on this pretty young lady, to help her with a few knots that had developed in her coat and a full brush out before winter arrives.
Bella is quite an anxious girl but she soon warmed, and was very friendly with her head rubs ! We worked through and removed some small areas with the clippers – which didn’t phase Bella one bit – followed by the brush and combs. Bella was a little fidgety, but overall she behaved very well for her first session.
Mum Sam from Golborne, Wigan later said :
“My cat Bella was groomed today, first time in 7 years (exceptional circumstances I’m not a bad mum really). Sandra was friendly, professional and went all out to gain Bella’s confidence. I now have a content little girl who’s coat looks better than it has in a long time. Thanks!
Well done Bella, you’ll feel so much more comfy now ….
mr le shah
We were delighted to see one of our favourite fellows again recently … the Shah, from Salford, Manchester.
It’s around 10 weeks since we last saw him, and at the point we took away some mats that had formed around the back and lower parts of the Shah’s body. Today it was very pleasing to see the hair growing back so beautifully, and totally knot free.
Dad Tony has been doing such a good job – not only keeping on top of the Shah’s coat, but also working with him to make him understand that it’s a job that just has to be done. The Shah’s patience and tolerance level today was much improved on his last session.
Well done the Shah ! We’d tell you that you’re a handsome boy – but we think you already know ! See you again soon ….
hercules champion
Hercules Champion is a very handsome 14 year old Maine Coon.
He isn’t used to being groomed, so he behaved very well as he let us work on those hard to reach areas – tummy/bum/flanks – where knots had developed. After the session mum rewarded him with his favourite tuna !
A few days later, mum Gerry from Kirkham, on the Fylde, Lancashire told us :
“Since Hercules Champion had his groom and mats taken away, you can tell from his face that he is chuffed as anything ! Hercules is 14 years old, but he now looks at least 4 or 5 years younger. He has now reverted to his cheeky kitten behaviour and is cock of the north again ! Hercules is doing a lot more grooming and he definitely is appreciating me more. I am really happy that we called in EssentiallyPurrfect to sort out his coat.”
Nice to work with you Gerry and Hercules Champion, and looking forward to our next visit already !
want to win an EssentiallyPurrfect gift voucher ?
How would you like to win an EssentiallyPurrfect gift voucher of £60 to cover, or go towards, the cost of a grooming session for either your – or one of your friend’s – cats ?
All you need to do to enter this competition is go over to our facebook page and :
- Like our facebook page (if you’ve already Liked it – well done !)
- Share the competition post on your own facebook page
- Leave a comment below our competition post to say why your, or your friend’s cat should be the lucky winner
The winner will be announced on Wed 6 Nov 13. If not needed yourself, you could use the voucher as a Christmas gift for a family member, or friend … That’d be one present ticked off your list with 7 weeks still to go J ! Good luck !
little minnie
This rather beautiful little girl has a gorgeous coat, which mum tends to very well. Minnie, a 6 years old domestic long hair, just had 1 mat underneath, which needed attention.
Minnie is a very friendly girl, and gave us lots of rubs and kisses – both before and after the session … and even came upstairs to the loo with us. Nosey !
Following the session, mum Margaret from Urmston, Manchester said :
“I was very pleased that Sandra took the time and had the patience to reassure my cat Minnie before she started to clip a matted clump of fur from her. If the problem occurs again, I would not hesitate to ring Sandra again. Thanks again Sandra”
Thanks for calling us in, Margaret – and nice to work with you little Minnie !
our fudge
It was lovely to be asked to meet up with Fudge again, in Astley, Greater Manchester. Fudge is an 18 years old lad, who is a little nervous is nature.
Once Fudge remembered that the nail clipping wasn’t too bad, he sat patiently whilst we clipped the other paws. Although Fudge is short haired, his coat has recently developed tufts – particularly around the flanks, sides and back areas. We gave him a good brush out to relieve him of this excess hair. Mum and dad had caught it just in time …. a few more weeks down the line and we may well have needed to clip some hair away.
Well done Fudge – you were a bit fidgety, but a real brave boy !
top 5 reasons to choose our mobile cat grooming services
- A versatile, personal service – tailored to your cat’s needs
- The car ride to the groomers is eliminated. No travel sickness, car stress etc
- No smell, sound or sight of a dog. Just familiar sights, sounds and smells which are all very comforting for your cat
- Ideal for kittens / timid / fragile / senior cats, for whom a trip out isn’t possible
- No rushing to fit in another appointment, nor cage waiting. The wellbeing of your cat is foremost
For further info, or to book a session with EssentiallyPurrfect you can contact us by :
- Telephone : 01257 733755 or 07936 363365
- Contact Form through the website
- e-mail : info@essentiallypurrfect.co.uk
- Private message us through our facebook page
What are you waiting for …. Contact us today like Jasper’s mum did. We’d love to hear from you !
sweet james
Say Hello to sweet James, a 13 years old Domestic Short Hair (DSH) from Swinton, Manchester – who called us in to have a look at his coat.
James is quite a big boy – on the larger size of medium. He isn’t really used to be handled by others, and is quite timid in nature. However, once on our grooming table James settled down. He didn’t mind his nails being trimmed, and lay patiently watching the world go by through the window whilst we set about giving him a good brush out. James’ fur was starting to clump in places, so really we caught him just in time to avoid any mats forming.
A couple of days after the session, we received a lovely message from James himself :
“Hi – My mommy asked me to send you an email to say thank you for tidying up my coat.
I was a bit scared at first when mommy said you were coming to the house to sort me out and I’m sorry that I had wee where I shouldn’t and tried to run off. But we soon got to know each other; the special cat relaxation music you played was lovely – I soon chilled out and felt so much better as you gently combed my coat and tickled my ears and tummy.
I was sorry when it all came to an end, my doggy friend Jasper was jealous and says I smelt like a girl but I don’t care…my new coat is lovely and so much easier for me to manage because before you came it was getting hard for me to clean on my own and I used to get really upset when I couldn’t reach the parts that other cats can reach.
And now I’m the talk of the neighbourhood with my shiny coat – a proper bobby dazzler…I even got a couple of wolf whistles from the Labrador across the road.
Mommy says she’d like you to come back soon… I’d like it if you could come back every day!!
Thank you very much – James xx”
You did really well, James – very proud of you and it’d be lovely to see you again …. Just tell Mommy, when you’re ready and we’ll sort it out !
the cheshire gang
We called to see the Cheshire gang again, as they were due their maintenance grooms.
Tilly, Georgie and Susie are Norwegian Forest Cats (NFCs) whilst Harvey is a Maine Coon. All are such gentle natured boys and girls – and one of them is pretty mischievous. Well, extremely mischievous ! Can you guess which one ! Come on over to our facebook page and tell us who you think it might be …..