Archive for July, 2013
little vera
Vera is a 2 year old, black smoke coloured, Siberian. Such a pretty little girl – and so sweet with it.
She was a little fidgety to begin with, but once laid on her side she settled and allowed us to work through a few tangles and knotted areas – and brush out the rest of her coat.
Overall, Vera behaved very well !
After the session, mum Jill from Manchester said :
“Vera may be a pedigree Siberian, but I don’t think she knows it, as she comes back with all kinds of foliage in her fur when she’s out hunting. Over time, it became matted and difficult to brush, and she ended up rather scruffy. Sandra managed to get all her tangles out and she’s now feeling a lot happier and more relaxed. I was impressed with the professional way Sandra worked. Her equipment and skilful handling of Vera meant she could groom her quickly and with minimum discomfort”
Well done Vera – We’re sure you got that treat that was promised !
The cheshire gang !
We recently saw some of our favourite girls and boys again ….. Tilly (bottom right), Susie (bottom left), Georgie (red) and Harvey (grey).
Three rather handsome Norwegian Forests who are delightfully gentle – and Harvey the inquisitive Maine Coon ! We’re sure he’s grown even more since our last visit just a matter of weeks ago (when he was around 21 lbs / 9.5 kg) !
Following the sessions, mum Sue from Davenham, Cheshire said :
“Thanks for the care and attention you showed to my four cats – Harvey is very mischievous and you were very patient with him. Great service”
It was lovely to see the gang again, Sue … they’re a credit to you !
india and mylo
These two really bonny sweet siblings were in need of a nail trim.
Here’s India on the left, and Mylo on the right. They are both quite timid and very gentle babes. We’re not sure if they’ve had their nails clipped before, but for their first session with us they behaved really well. Well done India and Mylo !!!!!
Mum Laura from Horwich, Nr Bolton, Gtr Manchester later said :
“I have two very nervous rescue cats. They choose to stay indoors and any disruption to that distresses them and especially trips to the vets. So, finding someone who was sympathetic and patient to trim their nails was a must. Sandra was very kind and caring with them and although they were very wary initially – as they are with any strangers – they soon relaxed. They are bouncing round the house now with their newly trimmed paws …. THANKU Sandra”
You’ve two lovely chicks there, Laura …. It was a pleasure to meet them !
sweet dinky
This little lovely is 7 year old Dinky, a lilac colour point Persian. Look at those striking eyes ! Dinky is such a gentle girl, and she lay patiently whilst we worked through her coat.
Dinky had several tangles and mats which needed to be removed which were proving extremely harsh to brush through. It didn’t take us long to decide to let her have a fuller clip. As you can see, she looks quite the lioness !
We are certain that she understood just what the session was all about.
It was so pleasing when afterwards, she came back to watch whilst we were clearing up, and had a stroke and licked us ! Just a little thank you from Dinky herself ….! We tried to get a photo of her sitting up, but she was quite intent on doing no such thing !
Following the session, mum Yvonne from Horwich, Nr Bolton, Greater Manchester said :
“Sandra was so caring and patient when tending to Dinky my Persian cat, who was in a terrible knotty state. An excellent job done and one happy cat ! Highly recommend EssentiallyPurrfect.”
We really enjoyed working with Dinky, Yvonne. You’ve one beautiful babe there …..
what a bonny lass
Meet Bonny …. such a lovely, sweet tempered, 17 year old lady.
Bonny had developed some matted areas which needed to be clipped away, followed by a good brush out of her remaining hair. Even though Bonny is a short haired cat, her coat was extremely thick and was in need of a good thinning out.
There is no doubt that Bonny will reap the benefit of her new, lighter coat. We believe that the session took at least 5 years off her (she was seen trotting up the street a few days later, whereas before she only ventured to the patio !) She was such a gentle girl and we’re sure she knew exactly what was going on, and that it was for her benefit.
Following the session, mum Wendy from Walton Le Dale, Preston, Lancashire sent us a little verse from Bonny :
“When Sandra came to my home my fur was thick as down, and as she worked her magic I’m the prettiest cat in town !”
the cat family
Here are Tiger’s housemates – Dino, Kola and Suzie (see Tiger’s separate post). Tiger had a full groom, whilst his playmates had a nail trim.
Dino (black, laid down) was taken in as a stray and was initially very nervous. Now he follows his mum around night and day, and is as good as her shadow !
Suzie is a pretty tortie girl. of around 12 years old. As Suzie is getting a bit older now, some of her nails have become a little thicker.
… and little Kola (black, sat up) …. Although around 18 months, Kola looks a lot younger and is quite petite. We used the kitten nail clippers on her little nails. She was very good.
Later, mum Pamela from Clifton, Preston, Lancashire fed back to us :
“Thank you also for trimming the claws on my other 3…they don’t seem to be scratching my furniture as much now. I would thoroughly recommend you to anyone with any type of cat as you are a natural ‘cat woman’ with lots of patience and understanding.”
It was lovely to meet this household of little chappies !
what a friendly tiger
Tiger is a truly handsome large tabby – around 6 years old. His coat is short, but ever so thick and our Services were called upon to relieve him and mum’s furniture of lots of dead hair.
It’s true to say that Tiger enjoys being brushed. He loves the attention ! As we set about brushing and combing, he helped by washing his chest and front legs. Got to say, he did a good job ! – and he purred his way right through the session, from beginning to end.
Tiger’s housemates – Dino, Kola and Suzie also benefitted from a nail trim. Their post is to follow separately, as Tiger deserves his own special moment of glory ! ….
Mum Pam from Clifton, Preston, Lancashire later said :
“Thank you so much for coming out to see my cat family…Tiger, Dino, Kola and Suzie. Tiger has been so much calmer and settled since his grooming session with you to get rid of all his excess hair! He is not good with strangers but took to you immediately even though he did look twice at you when you put your grooming clothes and mask on! He does love being groomed.” …….”I would thoroughly recommend you to anyone with any type of cat as you are a natural ‘cat woman’ with lots of patience and understanding.”
It really was a pleasure working with such a lovely chappy, Pamela. Such a good boy ….
konnie and herbie
Konnie and Herbie are 2 delightful Maine Coons, around 2 years old.
Herbie has a lovely red tabby coat and is pictured here in all his glory. He had a good brush out, and lost a fair amount of dead undercoat for his trouble.
Konnie has a beautiful tabby coat – really thick and healthy. It’s a real shame, but we didn’t manage to get a good enough piccie of Konnie to show you. We’ll make sure we get a fabby one next time, when she can hog the limelight !
Mum Rachel from Warrington, Cheshire later said :
“What a handful my two turned out to be. Both were in desperate need of a grooming (not that they agreed!!). Konnie and Herbie are big cats and both turned out to be big babies. However with a lot of patience, combined with a physical workout keeping them still, the grooming was a success. A few days later and both cats still have the most beautiful coats.”
handsome zack
This handsome boy is Zack. Although Zack has the run of the garden, he chooses to spend most of his time indoors just observing his territory. For this reason, his nails had become quite long and were in need of a good trim.
Following the session, mum Sandra from Whaley Bridge in the High Peaks, Derbyshire said :
“He’s my little sweetheart, but was a bit of a tinker and had a major strop when having his nails clipped. Now he looks lovely !”
It was obvious that Zack knew exactly what the session was about. Mum tells us that he hasn’t slept on his favourite cushion/chair for some time, due to his nails getting caught. However, upon leaving the grooming table, he swiftly set about his tea – followed by a bit of a groom and checking each claw (!) – then straight onto his favourite cushion/chair. He knew alright !
mallytwo – just gorgeous !
This is Mallytwo – a lovely tortie Maine Coon. As described by her mum, Mallytwo’s distinguishing feature is simply being “Gorgeous” !!
It’s been a while since Mallytwo has been formally groomed but she’s managed to look after her coat very well. She had a few small clumps around her backend which needed attention, and good brush out all over – especially that lovely long, enormous tail ! Mallytwo knew exactly what was going on !
Mum Peggy from Oldham, Greater Manchester later fed back to us :
“Mallytwo had not been groomed properly for 3 yrs due to my illness …Sandra came along and it was just as if they knew one another for years…Mallytwo is my beautiful baby girl cat ….who is 16 yrs old and only has 4 teeth…but she is my SOULMATE…..i love her to the moon and stars….so thank you Sandra for grooming her beautifully….looking forward to her next groom…..love from me and Mallytwo xxx”
Look forward to seeing you both again soon, Peggy and Mallytwo …!