Archive for January, 2013
naughty, or sweet ?
Naughty by name – but a sweet little girl really…
Although Naughty doesn’t like to admit it, she does actually enjoy all the attention that a grooming session brings with it !
surely, every cat’s paradise !
We know that the Japanese really dote on their cats, but one firm has now come up with unbelievable cat friendly house designs.
From walkways, climbing steps and hideouts to even cat doors in every door…. Surely, every cat’s paradise !
Read more, and see more pictures here : http://www.hauspanther.com/2012/12/31/unbelievable-cat-friendly-house-design-from-japan/
20% January discount, ending soon
We welcomed in the New Year by offering a 20% discount off the price of all grooms, for all new customers who book an appointment during the month of January.
The end of the month will soon be here so please get your appointment scheduled soon. We will honour the 20% discount for all new customers who book with us before the end of January – even if the appointment itself falls in February.
warm and cosy …

massage or masseuse ?
Does your kitty love a massage, or does she prefer to be the masseuse ?! Watch footage of 2 small kittens bonding and learning to trust each other at this link (scroll down to the video clip) :
a face of two halves …
Take a look at Puffy. This three-year-old orphan cat has an unusual colouring which sees her face perfectly split in two halves – one black and one ginger. Quite unique !
Check out Puffy’s piccies and story :
owner claims cat, 25, is UK’s current oldest
An East Yorkshire woman who claims her cat Margaret is currently the oldest in the country at 25 next month, says its all down to a special diet of tuna, chicken, cream crackers and cheese ! “… She would never eat cat food, apart from an odd cat biscuit …”
Read the full story about Margaret here : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-humber-20982587
kitten eats a 6 inch tv aerial, and survives to tell the tale
As reported by Scratching Post, ‘ … mischievous little kitten Alphie had to undergo emergency surgery at PDSA’s Sheffield PetAid hospital after managing to swallow a metal digital TV antenna.
‘Vets were stunned when x-rays revealed the cause of Alphie’s problems – a six inch TV aerial, which was lodged in his oesophagus and stomach. This would have proved fatal if not removed, so PDSA vets operated immediately to remove the aerial through the kitten’s stomach.
‘Owner Vanessa Waite said she had only owned the young tabby kitten a matter of days when he started showing signals of his love affair with the TV … ‘
Read more about this incredible story here : http://www.petnet.co.uk/cats/news/latest/6-tv-aerial-is-no-match-for-this-kitten
the danger of rocksalt and anti-freeze
Now the snow is really here – the gritters are out, anti-freeze in abundance – we need to be vigilant for the sake of our cats and dogs.
As reported by the Daily Mail, dogs and cats are walking through the substances left by gritters trying to clear roads and car drivers defrosting their windscreens and then licking them off their paws. Consuming rock salt can cause dehydration, liver failure and pancreatitis, while anti-freeze contains the chemical ethylene glycol, which can be lethal when ingested …
The article advises that the symptoms of ingesting anti-freeze include vomiting, seizures, appearing sleepy and a heightened breathing rate – whilst symptoms of consuming rock salt include include burns to the mouth and throat and excessive salivating and drinking.
Read the full article at : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1341137/Hundreds-dogs-cats-die-rock-salt-scattered-gritters-big-freeze.html
Good advice from the RSPCA Preston is that if you walk your dog on gritted areas make sure their paws are washed either by walking them through a few puddles away from the gritted surfaces or by dipping their feet in fresh water once home.
Contact a vet immediately if you suspect your pet may have been in contact with these substances, or if you see any warning signs or symptoms.
our facebook page
A few of you have told us that you’ve not been able to find our Facebook page, as it doesn’t always appear in the search results on Facebook. Having contacted Facebook, we’re told this is a wider issue that they are aware of, and are trying to fix.
We have put a link to the Facebook page at the top of each page of our website (the f in the black box, before the telephone numbers). This will take you directly to our page, so please take a peek.
If you haven’t yet done so, a Like would be appreciated !