Archive for November, 2012
can you also trim the whiskers ?
Your cat uses its whiskers to determine if a space is large enough or too small to squeeze through. So, please don’t ask us to trim the whiskers too !
did you know ..? calico cats are usually female
Calico cats have a non-predictive pattern to their coat which is predominantly white, with 2 other colours. The 2 other colours are often orange and black. Calicos are more commonly known in the UK as tortoiseshells, and are usually female
is your cat embarressed ..?
It is generally thought that cats spend around 30-40% of their time grooming themselves. The grooming has psychological benefits, as well as what they perceive as cleaning themselves. Have you ever seen your cat do something silly, like fall off a chair when asleep, or bang into something when running around – only to then stop and start grooming themselves ? As if they are detracting from their embarressment ! This is because the act of grooming themself reduces conflict, frustration and anxiety.
mobile cat grooming. one of the benefits
One of the benefits of us bringing our mobile cat grooming service into your home is that the usual ride to the groomers is eliminated, resulting in no travel sickness or car stress for your cat.
services throughout the north west
EssentiallyPurrfect is based in Chorley, Lancashire but we cover the whole of the north west. So don’t hesitate to get in touch to arrange an appointment and we’ll bring our mobile cat grooming service to your home
is your ‘tom’ a ‘gib’ ?
Most people know that a male cat is a ‘tom’ or ‘tomcat’, but did you know they can also be called a ‘gib’ if they have been neutered … ?
23 ! what an age !
According to the Guiness Book of Records 2013, the oldest cat living is “Pinky who was born on 31 October 1989 and lives with her owner, Linda Anno (USA), Hoyt, Kansas, USA”. Making her just gone 23 in human years !
are you allergic to your cat ?
The best thing you can do to reduce any cat allergy symptoms is to keep your cat groomed and bathed on a regular basis. Cat allergies are caused by the dander (similar to dandruff) carried on cats – both in the saliva and dead cells. Cats are constantly ‘cleaning’ themselves so their saliva is all over them, as is the dander. Alleviate allergy symptoms by having your cat bathed regularly, keeping dander to a minimum.
did you know …? 4 or 5 toes ?
Your cat has 5 toes on its front paws (including the dew claw), but only 4 toes are found on the back feet
did you know …? are you an ailurophile ?
Ailurophilia is a love of cat. Being a person who likes cats makes you an ailurophile