get in touch
If you would like any further information about EssentiallyPurrfect mobile cat grooming services, or would like to book an appointment, please contact us. We would love to hear from you.
You can do this by telephone : on 01257 733755 or 07936 363365.
If the phone trips to voicemail, we are probably grooming a cat. Please leave your name, post code and your landline telephone number together with a short message, and we will come back to you as soon as we can.
If you prefer you can e-mail us by completing the details of your enquiry on the right. The post code enables us to calculate a sound estimate of travel costs.
Or, you could private message us on facebook, use WhatsApp or text if that’s better for you. Make sure you leave your postcode and landline telephone number and a short message, and we’ll give you a call at the first opportunity.